Does the language Of Your Blog Matter When It Comes To Blogging?


VIP Contributor
Blogging is one of the ideal ways to make money, but the fact of the matter remains that blogging is not that easy. There are many different aspects of blogging. One of the most important aspects of blogging is the kind of blog you tend to start and the language of your blog. The majority of the blogs online are in English language. However, there are so many people who have started their own blog in their native language as well. I think that there are both advantages and disadvantages of starting your own blog in your own native language. first of all, when it comes to starting your blog in your own language, then you must know that you will only attract people from your own native region only.

This is because it is not possible for people from other cultures top understand the language. This is why people usually choose to start a blog in English language because English is considered an international language. Secondly, one of the advantages of starting your blog in your native language is the fact that you can gain a lots of traffic from your own native country. So what are your thoughts about it?
While the language of your blog may not be the most important factor, it could be a deciding factor for some readers. If you are writing a blog for a specific audience, it may be beneficial to use the language they are most comfortable with.
Before you choose the language for your blog, you will have to see a couple of things, such as: how proficient you are with your chosen language, what is the market size for your chosen languge, and what is the earning potential with your chosen languge. I blog in English but English is not my first language. While I might not be the best writer in the English language, I find it easier to write in English compared to my language because of the availability of resources and information on the internet. Another reason for choosing English is the market size, with my English blog I can attract US readers as well as the local reader who understands the language. Adsense does not support my local language, therefore, even if I had started a blog in my local language, I could not have made any money from my blog. Blog niche also determines the language of your blog. If you are using universal topics that have a global audience, you will have to choose English but if your blog is about local topics, blogging in the local language can be beneficial. Your target audience also determines the language for your blog.
You can choose to blog in your local language because you could express yourself more efficiently but at the end of the term if your blog is not successful does not have any relation to US customers. Still, people don't like new blogs, so you need to blog for at least 1 year or more to have an extensive database and even choose to geotarget to target your country.
I don't see any reason why people should start a blog with their local language because to me you are trying to get the best traffic to your site as much as possible and one of the most popular language most people are familiar with the English. I believe to be able to get high traffic to your website the use of English as a standard language for your blog should be the most important priority , except your website is purely delegated to teach and help other people's understand certain language..

You might think there is an advantage of using the local language but to me I think the advantage may not be enough, we should consider so many things before putting all this things in action.. how many traffic are we expecting to generate if we use our local language as a standard language for our blog, that's what we must find out.
You need to create a blog in your native language if it is not related to something that requires English documentation but you could explain even English terms more simply in your native language. In both cases, I could assume you could earn money. Install Google Translator extension to your blog could let anyone translate to his language with simple clicks.
Most of can thing and write in better in our mother language. But we need visitor to our blogs from the world. So we must be select language which is world wide language. We can write in our mother language but we can't get much visitors.
There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to choosing the language you blog in.


-You can write in your native language, which will help to make your blog unique.

-It is more likely that you will be able to attract people who speak your native language, which could help you build a more loyal following.

-You might find it easier to get feedback from people who speak your native language, because they'll be able to understand what you're saying much better than someone who doesn't. If they don't speak your language, they'll have trouble understanding what you're trying to say.


-You will have limited reach and traffic as well, you can add language translation option to your website to partly solve this problem.

-Secondly, If you're writing about topics that don't have much of a local market, then it's harder for people outside of your culture to find these articles and connect with them personally.
I've visited so many blogs written in arabic language, Chinese, Vietnamese, so many different languages aside from English. Abd they're receiving traffic from all corners of the world. Provided that their is the use of 'translation, you shouldn't feel that people who doesn't understand your language can't visit. Google chrome browser helps us to translate those specific languages to our own preferred language. But to me, I wouldn't start a blog in my own native language due to the fact, it isn't a registered language for translation, other readers aside from my local people will struggle to access it. And I wouldn't be too stupid to create a blog just for my local people whose interest aren't even much reading contents online.

I am an English speaker, so, my blogs will always go with English language. At this time, I'm working on a two blog site around my favourite niches 'soccer and cryptocurrency.
Internet is not limited up to one country or area, If some one select native language which is speaking by limited peoples that I think it is not possible to get visitors. My native language is Hindi and peoples who know Hindi are living in whole world and my country also have enough peoples whos mother tongue in Hindi. But I think best one language of blog in English.