Does extending the duration of business hours helps to accumulate more profit?

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Except the business in question is a business that requires the extension of its duration because most of it patronisers are more likely to patronize the business mostly at noon or at night . Majority of large-scale and small-scale business owners usually think that , if they extend the duration of their business hours they will accumulate more profit , but how true is this intention . Well , it is not actually true in most cases but it's only depends on the type of business that their business owner and operate . For example an individual or a business owner that owns and run a pharmacy or chemist shop or outlet can choose to stay for longer hours even into the night before closing or shutting down for the day . This is actually understandable , because majority of people are more likely to get sick at noon and sickness is something that can happen whenever and wherever .

On the other hand , an individual or a business owner that owns and run a business of selling clothes materials and other clothes related accessories would not be guaranteed to make sales and profit even if he stay for longer hours even into the night . We should understand and know when best our business is more likely to meet customers so as not to endanger our self and our business to arm robbers , thieves , hoodlums , miscreants , and other crime dealers and indulgers who are more likely to operate at night .
No it does not, you would end up not just over stressing yourself but also your equipments. While it is important to work hard, it is also very important to have enough rest as well. Your workers on the other hand have lives outside the office , increasing the working time simply means decreasing the time they have for themselves. It would be better you leave things as they are. Work more on your marketing department, customers would come.
Actually, they say time is money and this applies when it comes to business. The duration of time we put into our business counts. Before setting up a business, one should ensure that he or she dedicates quality time to the business. This does not mean that when you spend more hours in your business that money would just troop in, but it means that the effort you put into work, would be the result you would see. A business owner who opens his shop late in the morning and closes very early before evening would not be able to make the same profits as someone who is always operating at longer hours.

There is no magic when it comes to this, because what you put in, is what you bring it. This situation is almost likened to GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage, Out. The time I put to working online gives me more value than when I just spend couple of minutes. To earn as low as $1 on this forum, I spend nothing less than 3hours to be productive and this means if I had spent less, the value would not accumulate. Time is of great essence in any business we find ourselves.
I think each business had its time of the time and business owners need to know when to actually open or close. if your business is not one that people would buy at night it wouldn't make any sense selling into the the night or wasting more time looking for sales. I think people that sells meat and other club like items can wait out for more customers because this is a time that people would want to sit out with friends and family to enjoy

But if it is still in the day time at least before 6pm it is still a good time to wait out because some people return from work late and might want to buy things. but for those selling food stuff I think theirs have no time I see people buy foodstuffs into the night so they can still wait few hours more to make sales.

Another thing is that people should always try to have people around to help them sell. it isn't good to leave your shop without any one around to attend to customers you would be leaving money on the table. Because that few minutes you are away people might come around to buy without meeting anyone to attend to them
Most people that are extending the duration of their business to last a little bit longer are not doing that just for the fact that they are interested to generate profit most especially for people that are operating a small scale business. After all what profit will they be able generated within that period of time ? .

I can understand a huge business like a supermarket that is locating at the Central region of the town , here this type of business can actually extend its time because the demands will always be there no matter what time they will choose to extend it to , but a business with a low patronisation does not really have to extend the time because it may not likely help.

There was a time we had shop like that sometimes ago, then it was not really important that we extend it for the main purpose of generating more profit , but what we did was that we extend the time because we just believe we still have to stay longer since we didn't really have anything to do.

Sometimes we always close at a certain period of time earlier and sometimes we also close at a certain period of time faster depending on circumstance.
As for me I will say no; because staying late or extending the time on the but business only depend in the individual. If the seller is really making good sales it may leads to over staying in the office or business or if seller did nor make good sales may leads to staying long in the business may be the buyer may still come ans buy. Atimes some people over stay in the business or do over time mag be because one important customer that may latter come and buy the goods.
So therefore doing overtime in the business does not means one is making goods sales or profit or Lose.
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