Does anyone knows how to sell minereum


New member
Looking for a way to swap my minereum token.I have tried a lot of methods it didn't work
Do you guys think the coin is crab?
This is the first time I will be hearing about the coin. To help you, I will need to know the answers to some questions. How did you get the coin? Probably this is in form of airdrop or some kind of tokens for some tasks completed. I have not come access Minereum in any exchange which makes it impossible to swap on Binance or coinbase. I guess that the coin is a DeFi and you need to go online and search the exchanges that listed it and the blockchain it is built on.
I believe this image will do a lot in answering your question
To be honest, this is the first time I am hearing about this particular coin, but I think the one way to be able to convert this to fiat is to download a trust wallet application, from there, you can change it to a cryptocurrency that you will be able to sell easily, e.g, Bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and the likes. Well I am not guaranteeing you that this would work though, because the only it could work if the minereum coin is on the app, if it is not on there, it could probably be because it is not yet launched or not popular enough yet to be widely accepted.