Do you think that laziness will destroy a business?


VIP Contributor
Laziness is indeed has a very bad effect on business productivity and success because if you are very lazy, it will hinder your progress and innovation and it will also affect the overall performance of the business.

This is why it is important to be hardworking in a competitive business environment. It often lead to loss of opportunities in so many areas and that is why someone who is lazy would cause the downfall of a business .

There is need for effective leadership because it is crucial in combating laziness in each and every businesses because it is going to set a tone for work ethic , motivation and it will also ensure accountability among employees.
If someone needs a break, employers usually do not give their employees a break at work even if you have someone that dies unless you give him legal paper that this happens and give you only one day. But if someone has a problem like a family problem then laziness at work is something normal.