Do You Have to Screw Someone to Become Rich


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If you look at the rich people in your society, you will see most of the rich guys have screwed at least one person in their life. This reality gives a notion to people that you cannot become rich without screwing anyone. Not just people, even the businesses seen to be screwing other businesses and their customers to make more money. One fine example would be Apple not giving chargers and earphones along with their mobile handsets. In doing so, Apple managed to make $6.6 billion dollars. Well, you don’t have to screw people to become rich or grow your business.

The question can also be tacked in another way around.

Can anyone stop you from becoming rich?

In your life you will face a lot of problems are most of these problems are created by people. So, a lot of people believe the primary reason why they are not succeeding is that someone is always pulling their legs. Well, other people can create problems in your life, but they can’t stop you completely.
Truly there is a notion that no one can stop you from becoming rich,while another is, someone can actually stop you from becoming rich, just have to believe in yourself and try to work hard towards your goal. I know there are some envy people who doesn't want to see the progress of others and it can be frustrating,they see you as either a competitor or why is everything going well with you while they are Left behind.

Truly they can't stop you completely but also understand we humans,some people can go any length just to see you suffer for a crime you know nothing about. Work hard,be determined and pray. If you care to listen to the stories of most of our rich men here in Nigeria,then you will be amazed,most people have screwed before, while some it wasn't an easy ride to be a successful man or woman,the challenges and all would definitely worth it at the end of the day.
I love your last line that anybody can stop you from being as successful as you want to be you can only stop yourself and that's the truth I know a lot of times people try to screw others so that they can make money or get to wherever they want to get to.

Yes I agree that they are people that are so good at try to step on others to make money or rich accepting it but the truth is you cannot maintain or retain such a place as we all know it is not how far but how well. you can get to the top by screwing others but how would you be able to remain there which is the truth so my advice will be people should continue to do their best to get there. expect some people wanting to try to stop you but they cannot you can only stop yourself.
We do not want to make the kind of money that makes us uncomfortable and unrelaxed. Many people who make their money by engaging in dubious and fraudulent ways of money making have ended up making themselves enemies two individuals they find in their environment. Others on the other hand have made themselves become enemies of the state or country in which they reside in. There is absolutely no country in the world that tolerates and individual to defraud and to scam his or her fellow man just to accumulate wealth and according to the Constitution of most countries such action is punishable by law and such a victim can go to jail or public punishment.

There are so many ways we can make money and avoid indulging ourselves in any dubious and fraudulent ways of money making thereby taking the advantage of our fellow men and women just to accumulate wealth and riches. It profits nothing to an individual if he or she takes for granted the interest and loyalty of others in order for him or her to make money in abundance.
The most common question I get from people is, "Do you have to screw someone to become rich?" The answer is no. You don't have to screw anyone in order to make money. You can be a good person and still be successful. It's not about who you sleep with or how many people you date. It's about being able to understand people, what motivates them, and figuring out how to help them succeed.

Businesses go through phases where they have different leaders at the helm. Some businesses are run by founders; others by CEOs; others by COOs or CFOs or CIOs or CMOs or CPPOs or CPAs or accountants; and so on. The one thing they all have in common is they're all people who know how to build businesses at scale. They know how to grow them beyond anything they could imagine before they started doing it themselves.