Do you have some blacklisted online earning websites


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For me I have a personal blacklisted list for online earning websites. These are the websites that I worked for them and they denied my payment for the so termed reason as scamming websites. Do you have something like this on your online earning journey
There are many websites that I have worked in and never pay me for my work. Back then, I do join some websites and work hard on them but at the end of the day, thy will not pay me after I requested for payout. There are some that after reaching payout, they will ask us to bring at least 5 referral to the website. And even after doing that, they will still not pay.

So because of this many reasons, I have decided not to join every money making websites that I see. I do make sure that the website is recommended to me before joining them. It is good to look for more opportunities to make money online. But before we join any of the websites, we must first do some research. And also if a website promise to pay on a task an amount tht is higher than normal price, then we should know that it is a scam.

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