Do you have a life insurance ?


New member
Hello, dear members !

I wanted to know about your life insurance if you have one.

Did you insurance if you, God forbid, something bad happens to you ? Do you have a life insurance ?

I , myself, am young and maybe there is no need for it now, but I would like to hear it from older members on the forum do they have life insurance and when did they got it.

Please let me know in the comments if you have any thoughts on this one.
Yes I do have a fully paid Life Insurance policy worth $20000, I paid for it for 5 years a decade ago. I also have 2 endowment plans worth $10000 each, which are also both paid up circa 5 years ago and I also have health insurance, car insurance, property insurance and now I'm still covered by a term insurance. It's always better to be well protected than to be sorry right?
Yeah, I have a life insurance but it's not fully paid. Much better to have this, so you're not going to worry about your family what ever happens to you. I have some previous issue about this one when one my relative die and his family don't even know how to handle the burial.
yes I have a life insurance fully paid. It is more benefit to my family to protect the financial support.Life insurance pays a death beneficiary of the insurance policy.Having this type of insurance is the most basic of which would be covering your own funeral expenses.And in this it will have a policy that could provide your surviving the relatives with an inheritance when you demise...
Yes... I do have a life insurance wherein if I die before the term of the insurance, my nominee will get the benefit of the sum insured. If I complete all the premium till the policy maturity date, I will get the sum insured + the bonus that will be calculated for the no. of years the insurance policy is.
Although I have a short term own for now ,but the fact is that irrespective of wether you are both young and hold ,it's still very much important for you to get a life insurance policies to get coverage for the risk you are actually insuring against I think tho
Life insurance policy is one of the policies I'm looking at taking out because I know the benefits that come with it. So though I'm yet to take it but it really on my mind. It is good for one to have it especially when you have dependants it will be a wise decision
Life insurance policy is one of the policies I'm looking at taking out because I know the benefits that come with it. So though I'm yet to take it but it really on my mind. It is good for one to have it especially when you have dependants it will be a wise decision
Its actually a good decision to have a life insurance policy ,if you actually want to get the required coverage you need buy life insurance premium from a legit insurance company , you can give it a try but be ready to pay the necessary premium and make sure you are very financially stable before going for any policy
Yes, I have a fully paid life insurance policy. Protecting my family's financial assistance is more beneficial. The death beneficiary of a life insurance policy is paid. The most fundamental benefit of having this form of insurance is the ability to cover your own funeral costs. And it will contain a policy that will offer an inheritance to your surviving relatives when you pass away...
Yes, I have a fully paid life insurance policy. Protecting my family's financial assistance is more beneficial. The death beneficiary of a life insurance policy is paid. The most fundamental benefit of having this form of insurance is the ability to cover your own funeral costs. And it will contain a policy that will offer an inheritance to your surviving relatives when you pass away...
Yeah having a fully paid life insurance policy is very good ,if it's a permanent one the person would no longer need to start paying money for funeral cost and the benefit would be paid to the person ,only that the person would actually need to pay the premium for a very long time to continue to get the necessary coverage
The word life insurance alone gives it a whole definition as to why one should get it. Although we all know it is not for free nevertheless the fact that is going to be bought shouldn’t be the reason for anyone to be discouraged because it value worth more than its price
To be honest, I am living alone for almost 7 years and I never try and think of getting insurance, as I am getting old and feel some symptoms and have no one to help me financially or mentally so can you guys tell me if I get my insurance how much should I pay first?