difference between a public and in private enterprise


Valued Contributor
there are variety of differences between a public and a private enterprise
any private enterprise the businesses are being owned by individuals while in the public enterprises it is owned by the government. the main objective of a private enterprise is to maximize and net profit but in a public Enterprise the main objective or aim is to provide services for the people at large. Monopoly and not been enjoyed by those participating in a private Enterprise while in a public Enterprise they do enjoy some form of Monopoly. some form of the private enterprise require low amount of capital to set up but every public Enterprise requires large amount of capital because it is a large-scale business. in a private enterprise the is efficiency in management of the business, well in public enterprises the efficient in the management of the business is low due to some factors like political instability which can lead to warfare and so on
the ones who bear the losses in a private enterprise are the owners of the business but in the public sector it is those that pay the taxes are the ones that bear the losses instead of the government itself.
the capital needed to set up a business in the private enterprise is being provided by the individuals who own the business but in the aspect of the public Enterprise the capital are being provided and supplied by the government.
If one look around his or her environment we will see that most business established in our locations are either private and public business, one could venture into private business reason why I say so is because of what they really mean:first what is public business :public business or enterprise are own and manage by the government they are in charge in the employment if workers and employee into the firm, we have some of this company etc but this fact is different when it comes to providing business or enterprises the are own by private individuals and in this fact the may be room for competition between different firm so as to grow such business, but this is different, government firm do not fall or collapse do to income but private fall if management skills or roles are not played in the right way.
But another thing is that most of this private organization keep strict watch on their workers and see there improvement and also if a worker is not rendering his services he would be sacked and fired from work but this different with public enterprise.