Dangers of smoking


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Smoking affect the health such that the body won't be able to function normally again.the heart is the organ of the body that helps the body to breath in and out .so if anything happens to the heart it can affect the way the body work and can even lead to death.when you smoke the bad particles from the a smoke stay on the heart thereby making the heart black.so Don't smoke its dangerous.also when you smoke it can also cause also affect the kidney and lead to high blood pressure which is not good for the health
Thanks for starting this great topic @Kola this thread should be an eye opener to smokers out there. it is really heart wrenching how smoking has becomes a norms in our society nowadays, most especially amongs young ones. There is no medicinal benefits nor nutritional that is derived from smoking but a life threatening diseases or a damaged organs.so it is advised to stay off smoking.

one of the dangers smoking especially cigarettes caused to human health is lung cancer, this a kind of cancer that is caused as a result of smoking, Thus, any rightful thinking person should abstrain from smoking be it cigarettes, cannabis or vapor. and those that are already doing it should please put an end to it.

The only benefit smoking can give human is just short term enjoyment and that short period enjoyment can leads to long time damages to the human health, expecially human vital organs such as lungs, kidneys among others. Even those company manufacturing it says smokers are liable to die young. Generally smoking does not give human body any benefits to the body, and most of the vital organs can get damaged because of the smoking so it is advised for those smoking to abstrain from it.
one of the dangers smoking especially cigarettes caused to human health is lung cancer, this a kind of cancer that is caused as a result of smoking, Thus, any rightful thinking person should abstrain from smoking be it cigarettes, cannabis or vapor. and those that are already doing it should please put an end to it.
Yes, you are right smoking cigarette directly causes cancer. Every cigarette you smoke causes damage to your body and lungs. While the full effect of smoking may take decades to happen, damage begins almost immediately. Due to the material of cigarette paper and the setting of wind, sunshine, and other factors, it is only a matter of time before these tars decompose into poisonous substances which would damage human organs.
Everyone needs to quit smoking because it's not good for health and should connect to a therapist like RoyalVibe Health center which is famous for curing cancer patients.
Smoking is one of the quickest ways to damage your lungs and your health in general. When you inhale cigarette smoke, you're breathing in thousands of chemicals, many of which affect the way your lungs function.

One of the most harmful chemicals in cigarettes is nicotine. It's what makes cigarettes addictive, but it also causes damage to your heart and blood vessels.

The carbon monoxide contained in cigarettes prevents oxygen from reaching your organs, which can lead to heart disease and other problems.

Other chemicals found in cigarettes cause cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema (a lung disease), and many other serious conditions. Cigarette smoke has been linked to almost every type of cancer, including cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx (voice box), esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach, pancreas, colon/rectum, liver, breast, cervix, ovaries/uterus lining, bladder, kidneys/ureters/urinary tract lining, and bone marrow (leukemia).
I have research before on the internet the danger of smoking and I have come to find out that people who are fun of smoking always have a very dark lungs .

This is really frightening because I cannot even imagine how someone can be so mean to themselves to a point of inflicting themselves with so much trouble . When people smoke the dust and the carbon from the smoke will definitely be deposited in the walls of the lungs which will definitely affect the performance of the lungss and in most cases it can likely leads to lungs cancer because the world health organization as made it known that smokers are liable to die Young from lungs related disease .

We are in the modern world and everybody understand the disadvantage of most of their action . I will not believe that there is smokers out there that don't really understands the effects of smoking but some of them have purposely refuse not to stop There by inflicting a lot of damage to their body system .

I have read so many things concerning this on the internet and I can never for any reason engage in smoking .
On the long run, smoking affects the lungs. Smoking could lead to cancer, heath diseases, lungs diseases as well. One thing that makes smoking so dangerous is that you might not see the effect of it immediately, it might be after years before you start seeing the side effects. Smoking leads to death on the long run.
Smoking is one of the habits that one needs not to be addicted to. There is no health benefit of smoking. The only time people should take cigarettes is may be during winter and it is not even really meant to be taken consistently. That's why they do warn smokers that they are liable to die young.

The following are the effects of smoking:

It drains the victims financially. I do see people that always smoke, they hardly keep money. They smoke with whatever money they have. They can spend their last coin on smoking. I do wonder what joy they derive from the smoking but couldn't figure it out.

It affects the health: this is the commonest and the ober all effect of smoking. There is no way smokers will escape having his health damaged. There are some that have had their lungs damaged. Others are kidney and the liver too can not be spared when too much of smoking is involved.

It makes people to see smokers as being irresponsible. There is no way society won't look down upon the person that smoke. They do see them as being irresponsible. Eben personally, I don't accord much respect to people that smoke.
Lighting up might seem chill, but it's no secret it comes with major downsides. Health risks? Check. Nasty smell? Double check. Plus, it can burn a hole in your wallet! So, why not kick the habit and opt for something healthier? Trust me, your body and bank account will thank you!
Lighting up might seem chill, but it's no secret it comes with major downsides. Health risks? Check. Nasty smell? Double check. Plus, it can burn a hole in your wallet! So, why not kick the habit and opt for something healthier? Trust me, your body and bank account will thank you!
Oh, and about that "Difference between Indica and Sativa"? It's a whole vibe, man! Indica's like that chill friend who's always down to Netflix and chill, giving you those relaxed, mellow vibes. Sativa, on the other hand, is your go-to for an energetic, creative buzz—perfect for those days when you need a little pick-me-up! But hey, no matter your preference, remember to puff responsibly!