Creating your Own Blog


Valued Contributor
To create your blog you need to first choose a good name for your blog. In general, this blog name will be directly related to your topic, achievements, or your name. In addition, the best blog domain name has to be one to three words. It is better if you could register a top-level domain extension such as .com, .org, or .net.
Once you are ready with the blog name and domain name, get a website hosting company to host the blog on cyberspace. Then post your blog on the web. You will also require a content management system to create and post content. To customize your blog, you can customize an existing template or pay a custom website developer to do so.
If you have $30 to spare, your self hosted blog will be ready in 5 minutes and your blog will be available to get indexed on search engines or readers to read. If you do a little bit of research, you can even get your self hosted blog ready under $15 as there are a lot of low cost hosting services. However, before you get into blog, you need to have some basic skills to set up a blog, for instance, you need skills with wordpress.
There are multiple ways to create a blog.
Self hosted blog: You register a domain and buy hosting, then install wordpress or any other content management system of your choice and run your blog. THis method cost money but it is the safest way to start a blog
Free blogs: you can join free blogging sites like wordpress, blogsport, weebly, wix and create a blog. YOu can either contin ue running free blog or upgrade and have your own custom domain.
Free blog sites: You can join site like medium, etc. and blog

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