Could it be the lack of Know How that keeps us from making money Online?


New member
Hello everyone. They say knowledge is power and the more you learn, the more...something (I can't remember haha). I think in order to make money online, you have to copy the methods of people who have succeeded in making money online. Like Brian Moran CEO of Sam Cart for example. He talks about how he started by copying a guy who taught him how to get rich by selling courses. He made his first course about how to play baseball and he couldn't believe it when someone paid him $27 for it! He's obviously a millionaire now.
Now all he talks about is that the way to make money online is not through affiliate marketing, or blah blah, but by selling courses. And it all started by copy pasting an idea right? My advice is for people to learn from successful online millionaires, especially of you are a beginner. I don't know if it's ok to post links on here, but a great site which I'd recommend for ideas is also this bitly site MoneyBiscuits . It was a lucky find searching for money shaped biscuits lol.
A lack of knowledge is a big drawback and it does not matter whether you are talking about earning money online or offline. there are many qualified people in the world, but they are still not able to make money because despite being educated, they do not have the sufficient amount of knowledge that could be utilized for making money. I remember starting my online making money journey several years ago. It was the time when I was not able to know how I could make money online. I tried searching for online money making opportunities, but in the end I was able to discover a few paid to post forums.

Having said that, there were never many opportunities online in those days for people who lived in Tier 3 countries. Sometimes, you may know how to make money, but a lack of opportunities becomes the main obstacle in your way. In those days, most of the websites used to pay through PayPal and cryptocurrencies were never an option to get paid. However, things have changed now and cryptocurrencies have become an important part of online money making process. I thank Allah that now I found many ways to make money online and I really hope that Allah will bless me with wealth and health.
Definitely, when one is not informed one will certainly be deformed, gathering of relevant information is knowledge, because knowledge simply means gathering of information and we also say knowledge is power. So when it comes to the internet online space only a few knows anout the enormous well of opportunities that can be derived from it. And as much as you know will determine as much as you can earn from it.

There are somany legit ways one can earn from working on the online space one of it is this very platform, Trendri has been of a very huge blessing to all of it participant and members in somany tremendous ways besides posting to earn, you will also come across so many vital information and advertisement that can influence ones life positively.

But this is not to say that working online is a bread and butter game or neither am I saying that it is so easy to work and earn online. Infact a lazy person can not work on online platform because it requires ones intelligence quotient to be up and doing, and there atimes you might need to be up all night to attend a course or work on a platform so it is also time demanding and involves high intellects.
Whatever you don't know, you don't. I remember when I was in school, I had a cool phone and steady internet connection. But I didn't just know how to make money online. Though, I tried so hard, by making enough research just to get to be making money online but nothing came. It was after my school that I discovered you could earn money through Crypto, PTP sites, blogging and some other real ways to make money online.

However, I can't begin to blame myself for not knowing then. I believe earning money online was not meant to happen to me that time, that's why it never did.

If it's not your time to know things, no matter how hard you try, they won't just work until the time is right for you to know.
Even if we are to learn from a successful online millionaires the possibility of making money on the internet will not just come , but they could be as a source of encouragement to us but they are not a guarantee that we will succeed in making money on the internet , in terms of having a skill yes I can say that knowledge is what is limiting us from making money on the internet , there are a lot of things that are yet to be invented and all these things are things that has not yet been discovered by anybody , if we are just so lucky to be able to have an understanding of anything to invent that can help solve the problem of mankind then the possibility of making money with such will be very high..

What I have learnt about most people most especially millionaires and billionaires is that they have been able to invent something that helps solve the problem of humanity (Mark Zuckerberg invent Facebook to reduce boredom) and if we also in our own can be able to think of what to invent that can solve a world problems then it will be very easy for us to make money, it require a serious strategy and possibly smart thinking.
Yes, we can't really make it on our own honestly, the best way to make money is to learn, and one of the best way to learn Is by learning from others but there is one mistake alot of persons tend to make. When they start learning from others they want to or should I say they try to be exactly like who they are learning, trying to do it like they did it or get the same result like they did but one thing we should understand is that they are themselves and you are you. The exact same way it worked for them might not be the same way it would work for you. Learn from them and their experience but at the same time be yourself and be unique.
Definitely, the main reason many people who wishes to make money online do not make it is because they lack the knowledge. You can actually copy people what people do and you will not get the same result but if you are consistent enough you will definitely get there. If you really want to make a whole lot of money online then you must be able to build your reputation and presence online. if he is selling courses and making a whole lot of money, that does not mean that you will sell courses too and make the exact money be makes because he has more influence and he has been in the game for a very long time.
Saying that affiliate marketing will not make you much money is definitely a lie because what works for one person may not actually work for another person. if he is making a whole lot of money from sealing courses then there are actually people making a lot of money doing affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is even much more less stressful because you don't need your own product in order to make money. But if you want to sell a course, you will actually take a whole lot of time to create it.