Converting an idle land into a fish pond


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A fish pond is a big help to the farm because the water is fertile that can be used for irrigating the plants during the harvest season of the fish pond. My uncle who had a fish pond before said that when the fish are harvested the water of the pond is removed so it can be cleaned. I did not have the details of the cleaning but my idea is that the bottom of the pond is dredged and the mud is placed by the foot of the trees. The profit from the fish pond is pretty good. The only problem that my uncle encountered are the workers who are not trustworthy. They steal the mature fish and sell for their own. How can you count the fish in the pond? That is the reason why stealing fish is very easy because the owner has no way of knowing the exact number of fish.

It is a good combination to have a fish pond and a garden or orchard so that both can be beneficial to each other - the fish would love the shade and the trees would love the fish pond water. However, it is easier said than done because you need a pump and a long water hose to bring the pond water to the desired location in the garden.
The two you made mention of are actually very lucrative, especially if you are in a location that deals with both, you will find it a lot easier to sell. I had a friend back who they usually fish pound back then it was fetching them money, but it was stressful in a way, there was so many things that needs to be done, like changing the water, feeding the fishes and the likes. I believe you have to go for training before starting up.