Consequences of a boss being available to clients frequently


VIP Contributor
The most common consequence of a boss making himself available to clients frequently is that it will cause a loss of respect for the organization. When a boss makes himself available to clients and is not available when they need him or his time, it is seen as disrespectful to the organization.

Another consequence of a boss making himself available to clients frequently is that it can cause stress among employees who are not aware that their boss will be unavailable for them. This stress can lead to an employee having mental problems, which could lead to other issues within the workplace or even outside in the community.

A third consequence of a boss making himself available to clients frequently is that it can also cause injury while working on projects since he may not have enough time to complete everything he needs to do as well as how many people are involved in what he’s doing.

The consequences of a boss making himself available to clients frequently are that his staff will get fed up with him and maybe quit. In fact, this is probably what happened to me when I worked for my friends father-in-law. He was such a busybody that whenever anything went wrong, he had to be involved in solving it himself rather than delegating it to someone else who could handle it more efficiently or effectively. This meant that we always had to be on hand whenever there was any crisis at the office: whether it was a problem with processing payments on time or getting our new office space ready on time or dealing with vendors who were late delivering equipment or software or even just keeping track of who was working where and when would mean having one person responsible for everything instead of delegating others to do it. Clients also feel since they have met the boss directly, whatever any worker says, persuade or advise them to do doesn't count.
I beg to differ, sir. It depends on the kind of organization. There are kinds of organizations and client's that a boss shouldn't even go near. Those have a way of trying to twist the system in their favor. Have you ever imagined someone walking into an organization and probably wanting to buy something or pay for a service? When he/ she is informed of the price, the person demands to see the boss. The very motive for wanting to see the boss is to manipulate the boss to make them sell at a reduced prove for him/ her.

When I was working in a school, during fee drive, we would tell our boss not to come around or come late that day. That is because parents would come and beg and he would give waivers. That's because he is kind heated. Soft hearts bosses should not make themselves easily accessible to clients.