common mistakes bloggers make when trying to monetize their blog

Want to make money from your blog? Avoid these rookie mistakes:

• Trying to monetize too early. Lots of new bloggers wanna start earning fast, but they don't have a big enough audience yet. Focus on building readership before rolling out money-making strategies. Once you have dedicated readers, you'll have more opportunities to profit.

• Choosing crummy ad networks. Some bloggers sign up for ad networks that allow junky, spammy, or inappropriate ads. These annoy readers and hurt your blog's vibe. Choose reputable ad networks and pick ads relevant to your content. Less advertising that fits your blog is better than more low-quality ads.

• Using intrusive monetization tactics. Things like pop-ups, interstitials, or auto-playing videos frustrate readers and worsen the blog experience. More intrusive advertising or monetization means more readers avoiding or blocking ads—and potentially ditching your blog. Less intrusive strategies work better long-term.

• Prioritizing short-term revenue over readers. Some overeager bloggers maximize revenue even if it hurts the reader experience. Too many ads or salesy content turns off readers. Find a balance between earning money and giving your audience value. Keep readers happy rather than chasing quick cash.

• Lacking authenticity in recommendations. Some bloggers recommend stuff just to earn affiliate marketing or product money rather than because they genuinely recommend what they recommend. Readers can tell if recommendations are legit or forced for revenue. Affiliate marketing and product recommendations only work if you recommend things you truly believe will benefit readers. Recommending just to make money backfires.

Overall, build your audience first, then choose strategies that give readers value instead of interrupting them or compromising your authenticity. With time and testing, you can find ethical monetization that aligns with your blog goals and readership.
I do not think any blogger wants to use low quality ads, but sadly a lot of bloggers end up using low quality ads. That;s because they are either not approved by major ad networks like Adsense or cannot earn through major ad networks. Most popular ad networks also have higher payment threshold, therefore, small bloggers cannot also reach payment threshold and ed up using pop up and pop under ads on their blog. Another mistake is related to using too many ad units on their pages.