Cinema Business Idea


Active member
Over the past few years, I have always been impressed and fascinated by cinema halls, it practically made me visit cinema house twice in a week just to appreciate it well.

Now, I'm itching to set up a new cinema business. So therefore, my fellow members, I'm looking for any suggestions or ideas on how to make this dream of mine come into reality.
I love watching movies and oftentimes, I watch three to four times in a month so when I saw this forum I got curious as to the process of opening up a cinema for a business venture. I might as well do an extensive research on this. The thought of owning a theatre is exciting plus we get to watch films for free.

I think aside from online research on how to start this business, a personal visit to malls and interviews with the management teams of a particular theatre would be a brilliant idea to collate the needed information for opening up said business. Likewise, doing a feasibility study would be very helpful to arrive at a particular decision/conclusion as to whether this program is the best for us. Not all businesses are perfect for us, we have to be wise in choosing what to build and start by counting all the possible costs, results and even liabilities. Nothing beats a man prepared for any surprises in the process of earning capital.