Bringing your own lunch to work


VIP Contributor
This may sound being too frugal but read on before you judge. In this pandemic era the chance of getting contaminated by covid is real. That is why in our country it is illegal to walk outside without a face mask and face shield. If you will buy food or worse if you will dine out then the probability of contamination is high. Now is your chance to bring your lunch to work. That will definitely save you in the costly lunch outside and your food is more likely healthy than what you can buy. Especially if you have a microwave oven in the office then you can reheat your lunch and have a nice dining in your lunch box.
To be honest, when I saw the topic of your thread I was laughing so hard. I thought you are trying to encourage us to go back to when we were kids, you know when we used to take our lunch to school or anywhere we go. But after I read the message fully I realise why you made the point, and I apologize for being presumptuous. Yes we are in the covid 19 period now, therefore, going outside to eat or to buy lunch is very dangerous so if it is possible for us to take our lunch to work so that we would not need to risk our lives contracting the virus. honestly that is a good suggestion and it will keep each and every one of us safe if we adopt it.
Even before the outbreak, I always take my lunch to work except for a few times that I have no choice than to eat outside. Eating out cost a lot especially if you want a good and nice meal. It is easy to say that the money is not much but when you calculate the cost of eating out for a month, then you would realize how much you could have actually saved or used for other things.
Bringing your lunch to office or your place of work is not only economical but also safe most especially with the increase in the number of COVID-19 infected cases, one needs to be extra careful with whatever he or she is taking into his mouth. We shall not eat what will kill us in the name of our creator.