Blogging Vs. Video Making: Which Makes More Money


VIP Contributor
I have a blog and I also have a youtube channel. I make money from my blog as well as youtube channel. I earn more from ads on my videos than on my blogs, in other words, my adsense earning on yourube videos is higher than the adsense earnings on my blog. However, my overall earning is higher on my blog compared to youtube. If you rely on AdSense for your main income, YouTube can be better for you, but if you also sell ad space, do sponsored posts, sell ebooks, courses, merch, digital products, etc. you will make more from your blogs. That's been my experience, but other people might have different experience. For some, YouTube can be more profitable because one big endorsement deal can bring in a lot of money.
This is truly a choice. To be honest with ourselves, there is none between the two that's not capable of giving us the kind of money that we may want. We only need to dedicate our time and resources to get the right result while exploring the two means of getting money.

Most people that prefer reading will go for blogging which requires writing and research making. Those that like watching, may go for video blogging and as well can make a lot from this activity, especially if it is carefully done.