Blogging of fake news to go viral


VIP Contributor
The title is not an advice but just a food for thought. There is one blogger here who would be posting fake news from time to time. She got noticed by the internet users because of the fake news. For instance, I had read in one of her blogs that US visa is not required for Filipinos anymore. That is a blockbuster news because a US visa is the dream of most here. Unfortunately that was fake news.

But wait, the blogger was getting popular and some years back she was even appointed to a high government position by the president of our country. That’s because she is a popular blogger. That simply means you can get away with mistakes and fake news when you become popular.
In the blogging world, this is called clickbait. Clickbait is a term used for content that tries to trick users through the fake or misleading titles. For example, Covid vaccine is a popular topic these days. If you publish an article titled "10 men die of Covishield vaccine" a lot of people will check the article because covishield vaccine is thought to be effective.
you might not actually get away with mistake and fake news when you are popular but sometimes it depends on the system of government even though that they are popular but there's some mistake that they will make it by publishing a fake news that the government will never overlook.
you might not actually get away with mistake and fake news when you are popular but sometimes it depends on the system of government even though that they are popular but there's some mistake that they will make it by publishing a fake news that the government will never overlook.
fake news are mostly published by online newspaper. The competition is so high and the desire to become the first is so intense that the publishers start promoting fake or misleading news. In the early time, it was called yellow journalism (a derogative term used for fake and misleading journalism), these days it is called clickbait.
Some bloggers and even news agents use sensationalism when trying to compile their news in order to get the attention of people. But this doesn't work out in some countries especially the one with strict guidelines on news. In my country, even if a blogger or a journalist publishes fake news or not verified news, he may be jailed.
fake news are mostly published by online newspaper. The competition is so high and the desire to become the first is so intense that the publishers start promoting fake or misleading news. In the early time, it was called yellow journalism (a derogative term used for fake and misleading journalism), these days it is called clickbait.
This will be serious and sometimes most of this fake news can be misleading and can lead a lot of people to believe in something that is not true, I just believe they should just be guided and I think government should appoint an agency to curb the spread of fake news, this might really get out of hand if not properly guided.
Some bloggers and even news agents use sensationalism when trying to compile their news in order to get the attention of people. But this doesn't work out in some countries especially the one with strict guidelines on news. In my country, even if a blogger or a journalist publishes fake news or not verified news, he may be jailed.
I admire your country's strictness on the fake news. There are many bloggers who are still posting fake news that are shared in Facebook. But those bloggers are not punished so they continue doing that just to get more readers to their blog. Fake news can be fatal so posting fake news should have a penalty.
That's very cruel blogging about fake news to go viral and bolster the blogging site traffic for better revenue. Their should be a penalty to be pronounced for those who engage in publishing news they aren't sure of, satisfied with. Fake news have really caused confusion around the earth, and even made people to get into trouble cos of news that is very untrue.
If a lie has gone for 20 years, the truth will spend one day catching up with it.

Such a blogger can only continue to gain in popularity as long as the readers of his blog posts are unaware of his lies.
Once it dawns on them that he is a professional liar, he will be regarded forever as untrustworthy. He has therefore built a bad reputation for himself.
As I have stated in a related post already these bloggers are getting it hot from these people they write fake news about now there are not taking it lightly with them any longer. But I don’t know why fake news go viral more. Maybe because people just want to read bad news all the time
Blogging of fake news seems to be the trend these days, a lot of bloggers write fake stories in order to attract a lot of traffic to their blogs. I think there is an appropriate authority that deals with fake news vendors. Fake news is definitely very dangerous to the society.
The truth is that clickbait has been used to cover up for news that are fake and this Indeed has done more good than bad. There have been many occasions where people lost their lives due to remedies they saw online and applied it to themselves.
As for the president appointing a one time blogger to a political office , it because the blogging has made her popular.
I know a lot of people who publish fake news and stories to build traffic instantly. However, if you are publishing too many fake content, your website will be banned by search engines. Your link can also get blocked on facebook and removed on twitter. This is not a good way to build traffic.