Bizdustry Review - legit or Scam?


If you're looking for Paid To Post Forums or just curious what Bizdustry is all about. The forum is comparable to others you can join to learn about webmastering, making money, and business-related topics. You can make money by writing in the forum and earning Biznote.

One question you should ask is if this site is really worth joining or not. You can decide if Bizdustry is a suitable fit for you or not by reading this review, which will provide you with some of the information you require about the website.

How do you receive payment?
  • You can earn BizNotes by participating in their forums and inviting visitors to their website.
  • Once you have accumulated a minimum of 5,000 BizNotes ($5 worth), you can convert them to cash using PayPal or Litecoin through a Litecoin wallet.
How much money can you earn?
  • Every reply you post will earn you 20 BizNotes. That's about $0.02, which is a lot more than you'd make on most other sites doing the same thing.
  • However, since you can only earn from three comments per hour, your daily earning potential is quite constrained.
  • To meet their payment criteria, you'll need to put in a significant amount of time.
Pros and cons of Bizdustry


This website accepts payments in exchange for posts, and it is legitimate.
You might need to upgrade your account to earn a greater sum. is worth a try if you haven't already. In case you need more details about the forum, you will find a lot of reviews below.
I've been a member of Bizdustry for four years now, and it's legit. The members also are cordial woth each other, payment is fast when you ask for it. It's also where I learnt the most about the basics of cryptocurrency, and I've made a lot of money trading
If you're looking for Paid To Post Forums or just curious what Bizdustry is all about. The forum is comparable to others you can join to learn about webmastering, making money, and business-related topics. You can make money by writing in the forum and earning Biznote.

One question you should ask is if this site is really worth joining or not. You can decide if Bizdustry is a suitable fit for you or not by reading this review, which will provide you with some of the information you require about the website.

How do you receive payment?
  • You can earn BizNotes by participating in their forums and inviting visitors to their website.
  • Once you have accumulated a minimum of 5,000 BizNotes ($5 worth), you can convert them to cash using PayPal or Litecoin through a Litecoin wallet.
How much money can you earn?
  • Every reply you post will earn you 20 BizNotes. That's about $0.02, which is a lot more than you'd make on most other sites doing the same thing.
  • However, since you can only earn from three comments per hour, your daily earning potential is quite constrained.
  • To meet their payment criteria, you'll need to put in a significant amount of time.
Pros and cons of Bizdustry


This website accepts payments in exchange for posts, and it is legitimate.
You might need to upgrade your account to earn a greater sum. is worth a try if you haven't already. In case you need more details about the forum, you will find a lot of reviews below.
I've also heard about Bizdustry for a very long time but decided not to join due to their posting limitations that made earning a good sum of money difficult. I considered other platforms with a better earning potential.
This was a legit forum until recently that they forum stopped paying the regular members. You have to be a premium member to be able to earn and withdraw from the site. but the good thing is that you would get paid as long as you are premium member now.
I don't like earning sites that the buying of membership is a must for you to earn and withdraw earnings from the website. The fact of upgrading is really very annoying when we have other similar websites that members can earn and withdraw freely without making upgrades.
Let me understand some things. Last time I heard, one has to be a Valued Contributor to be able to earn from Bizdustry. How you become a valued contributor? The admin ultimately decides if you deserve it based on his own predefined parameters. So many people had left the site because of that.

And only a handful have returned. I think the community is heavily involved in posting packages these days to keep activity levels on the site at optimum levels. They have a new admin though that has been very innovative with programs and contest. It is legit for those who have been selected to earn as Valued Contributors.
Bizdustry is no longer the site that it used to me. It is not open for paid posting for everyone. In the last 3 years it has gone too many changes with its paid to post programs. When I joined, it was paying 7 cents per topic and 5 cents per reply. When it stopped paying for topics and reduced pay rate for reply to 2 cents, I stopped posting on this site. Then one day I heard that the site introduced a feature that only paid members were allowed to withdraw. I do not know what's it like these days
Bizdustry is no longer the site that it used to me. It is not open for paid posting for everyone. In the last 3 years, it has been too many changes to its paid-to-post programs. When I joined, it was paying 7 cents per topic and 5 cents per reply. When it stopped paying for topics and reduced the pay rate for replies to 2 cents, I stopped posting on this site. Then one day I heard that the site introduced a feature that only paid members were allowed to withdraw. I do not know what's it like these days
I think no paid-to-post websites pay 7 cents per topic and 5 cents per reply for a very long time. Do you think even if @Fecoms decides to double post reward it will last forever? It may during Christmas Day or something like that then the pay rate is back to the normal schedule.
I think no paid-to-post websites pay 7 cents per topic and 5 cents per reply for a very long time. Do you think even if @Fecoms decides to double post reward it will last forever? It may during Christmas Day or something like that then the pay rate is back to the normal schedule.
Well, during Christmas, I remember Bizdustry was paying 14 cents per topic and 10 cents per post. That was back in 2020. I am perfect ware that paid to post sites cannot consistently pay higher rewards for a long time, I have seen this happen not only bizdustry and trendri but even on Forum Coin. I was just trying to explain how the paid to post program has changed on Bizdustry since it started paid to post feature.
There is a closed user group called valued contributors now which you have to belong to in order to be able to earn from Bizdustry. I wanted to make a push to see if I would be chosen for that closed user group but was discouraged when I discovered that there are no set criterion to be in that group.

I had about a thousand posts on the forum and I was earning pretty well. But when they stopped their paid posting abruptly, I lost about $8 earnings on the forum. I have since moved on and stopped posting for a day on bizdustry.
There is a closed user group called valued contributors now which you have to belong to to be able to earn from Bizdustry. I wanted to make a push to see if I would be chosen for that closed user group but was discouraged when I discovered that there are no set criteria to be in that group.

I had about a thousand posts on the forum and I was earning pretty well. But when they stopped their paid posting abruptly, I lost about $8 in earnings on the forum. I have since moved on and stopped posting for a day on bizdustry.
Even with a valued contributor level, there is not much interaction every day like in other forums. This means you could reach payout once a month and not unlike other communities where everyone participates there is the possibility to reach payout faster due to a high number of interactions.
Even with a valued contributor level, there is not much interaction every day like in other forums. This means you could reach payout once a month and not unlike other communities where everyone participates there is the possibility to reach payout faster due to a high number of interactions.
I guess you are a valued contributor right?

Talking about the pace of activities slowing down in the forum. I think that's just how the owner wanted it. I think he wanted to slow down the earnings and the only way was to have just a small group active on the forum. But the pay rate is higher now. Isn't it?

That compensates for the low level if activity in the forum. I can imagine how difficult it feels now to be in a forum where there is no interactions. Forums were meant to roster vibrant interactions but this unfortunately isn't the case with many forums now as you mentioned about bizdustry.