Are Constant Shopping Sprees Making You Broke? Here’s What To Do!


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Do you ever feel like you're spending more money than you have?

Maybe you're always running to the mall, or ordering takeout more often than you'd like. Or maybe it's just that you've been feeling like a lot of the things in your life are falling apart and you don't know what the heck to do about it.

If so, maybe shopping sprees aren't helping. Here's what to do:

Step 1: Take a look at your finances. Are there any bills coming due soon? If so, can we pay them off before we go on another shopping spree?

Step 2: Figure out how much money you have left each month after paying bills and taking care of other necessities. Then, make sure that number is at least enough for groceries until payday (or whatever date comes around next). If it isn't, cut back on eating out as much and try to find ways to pay down debt (like putting extra money into savings).

Step 3: Try going somewhere else for dinner once in a while! It might feel weird at first, but once your body gets used to it, it'll probably be easier than going out every time something new comes up.