Anyone works on top freelancing site here?


New member
Working on the internet is one which I have done in the past based on the experience that I was going to improve on it. Working online can be stressful though when you don't have an online mentor to put you through. So, which freelancing site do you work on and how successful have you become?
Well, I have been working on the internet but not on freelancing sites because I'm still developing my writing skills. but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend upwork and fiverr to anyone that want to start out as freelancer. These two are the most popular and very good freelancing platforms that allows.

As a beginner you can join them and you just have to create a profile that standout and you will be able to deliver high quality work and make decent amount of money.
I work on Upwork, I have also sold a few services on Fiverr but I mainly work on Upwork. The first online income I ever made was on Upwork. I worked on an Anbdroid app to make $50. However, I made that money after bidding on multiple jobs for more than 4 months. Once I got good review for my first job, it was a little easy to get the second job. Today, I make more than 60 percent of my online income through upwork