9 facts everyone should know about the marketing industry


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1. The marketing industry is $14 trillion in size and growing at a rate of over 6% annually

2. The marketing industry has evolved from marketing things like pencils to marketing things like diapers, cars, and toothpaste

3. The top three industries in the United States are healthcare, manufacturing, and financial services

4. There are more than 4 million marketing managers currently working on behalf of brands and their customers

5. The average salary for a marketing manager is $90,000 per year

6. There are over 7 million job openings for marketers worldwide through 2020 as companies continue to invest in digital marketing

7. Companies spend an average of $24 billion annually on digital advertising (influencers, webinars, blogs and social media posts)

8. Brands spend $2 billion every day on digital advertising (eMarketer estimates)

9. 80% of consumers trust their friends when it comes time to make purchases online (Nielsen).
Interesting! I could add some more.
1. The marketing industry is the most profitable industry in the world.

2. Marketing is the most popular career choice for students who want to earn a living while they're studying.

3. Marketing is the most important factor in business success, according to Harvard Business Review, which analyzed 1 million companies over 10 years and found that marketing is more important than management skills and product quality when it comes to determining whether or not a company will succeed.

4. The average American spends more than three hours every day on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

5. Traditional media spending reached $4 billion in 2017, up from $3 billion in 2016 and $2 billion in 2015, according to eMarketer's "Social Media Spending Forecast."

6. Marketers spend an average of 12 hours a day managing their social media accounts! That's nearly one-third of their workweek dedicated solely to these platforms!

7. More than 25% of marketers claim that customer service is their #1 challenge - according to HubSpot's State of Inbound Report 2017 (which surveyed 2,200 marketers worldwide).