7 Signs You Have A Shopping Addiction.


Shopping is fun and all, but it can also be a temptation that might lead you to buy things you don't need.

If you're feeling like maybe shopping has gotten out of control, there are 12 signs that you have a shopping addiction. We wish we could say these signs will help you catch yourself before you shop too much in the future but that's not always possible. But if you can identify with one or two of these signs, it might be time to start thinking about how to manage your shopping behaviors and get back on track.

Watch out for these signs:

1. You've gotten into the habit of going out at night after work to go shopping (or do any other kind of shopping).

2. You're always on the lookout for new things to buy, even if you don't need them.

3. You're always checking out sales, whether they're real or not.

4. You spend a lot of time thinking about what things you could buy in the future if only you had more money and less debt.

5. You feel bad about yourself when you can't afford something and have to say no to it because of your budget even though you know this is just one more thing on your list of things that are out of reach right now.

6. You use credit cards for purchases that aren't necessities, like buying tickets for a concert or spending money on something fun like going out with friends or taking a trip somewhere nice even though those expenses will be added to your debt pile and take up more of your monthly income than necessary.

7. You feel guilty when you get an unexpected bill and decide not to pay it off right away because it's easier than dealing with the stress of having debt payments coming due all the time (and paying interest rates that may be higher than what you can afford).