5 health benefits of apples


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5 health benefits of apples
Hi everyone!!! Do you know that eating apples is very good for your health?Apples are among the healthiest fruits because they contain vitamins, antioxidants and fibre." An apple a day keeps the doctor away" as the common English-language proverb says meaning that if you eat apples (and healthy food by extension) you will not need to see the doctor often.

Let's see the 5 health benefits of apples below:

1. Apples can lower cholesterol and protect our health.

2. They protect against diabetes.

3. This delicious fruit prevents obesity.

4. Apples protect against heart disease.

5. Last but not least, they are beneficial for bone health.

Well,these are the 5 health benefits of apples. What do you think? Could you add more health benefits of apples,please?
All ideas are more than welcome.
Thanks a lot.
Apple is a very good fruit and also generally fruits are very good for the body because they supply the body with essential nutrients and vitamins so eat a lot of it.
Apple is a very good fruit and also generally fruits are very good for the body because they supply the body with essential nutrients and vitamins so eat a lot of it.
Hi Kola.Thank you for your nice post.Yes,I agree with you that apples and all fruit are very good for us because they are a good source of vitamins.So we have to eat a lot of fruit every day if we want to be healthy.
Apples have a lot of benefits that it does to the body it helps in a lot of ways it provides nutrients to the body
Hi Samrilm.Thank you for your nice post and for your time. I absolutely agree with you that apples have a lot of benefits and make us feel healthy,energetic and strong. Everyone should consume apples daily.There is a great variety of apples, green, red and yellow for every taste.
Apple is really good for the heart because of the way it helps in detoxifying the particles in the heart
It helps to aid digestion and it is also a good option for appetizers, apples really help a lot in supporting our health growth
Apple is really good for the heart because of the way it helps in detoxifying the particles in the heart
Hi Ashen. Nice to meet you. Thank you for your nice post and for your time. I fully agree with you that apples are very good for the heart. Generally apples are very good for our health so it is important to consume one to two apples daily so as to stay healthy.
In addition to all that has been mentioned by different individuals, you all have a some good points on how benefitial apple is to human. Apples are one of the most popular and most common fruits in all over the world today, they are packed with so many health benefits that human body needed for growth and development. They are very nutritious and medicinal too. Eating apple is really benefitial to human health, apple has a great tastes, and they are hundreds percent safe to eat. I also enjoy eating them and I will recommend it for you too. Apples are said to boost immune system if eating daily, this is due to the presence of antioxidant compounds in them. They also contain some vitamin such as vitamin c which play a major role in boosting human immunity. Eat an apple today if you have not because an apple a day as they usually said keep the doctor away.

Apples are a great source of dietary fiber, and they also contain a certain amount of vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium among others. Below are some unique health benefits of eating apple;

1. Apples helps to boost immune system

2. Eating apple aid weight lose

3. Apples can enhances human vision

4. Apple can also increase brain health

5. Helps in digestion