3 Straightforward Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight


VIP Contributor
1. Bending Over

This simple exercise will help you to open your eyes wider and see further. When you bend over, hold onto something like a chair or table and try to keep your head as still as possible while looking straight ahead.

2. Touch Your Fingers Together

This exercise is easy to do anywhere at any time, but it will help you to improve your eyesight if you do this on a daily basis. Make sure that both of your hands are touching at least once every day, whether that means your left hand touches the right side of your face or vice versa.

3. Squinting

Squinting is another great way to improve eyesight because it helps you to focus on what's in front of you without straining your eyes or squinting too much which can cause damage to them over time! The best thing about squinting is that it can be done anytime and anywhere even while driving or watching TV! So give it a try sometime today!
Hello everyone! Thank you very much for your informative thread about the 3 straightforward exercises to improve our eyesight. The exercises you mention in your post seem to be very helpful for our eyesight. I will definitely try all of them because I have very sensitive eyes. Hope these exercises will work for me as well. Thanks a lot again for sharing this useful and helpful post.