2 Items to slow down the Aging Process


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1. Berries:
Berries are not only very tasty to eat, but are also said to be very beneficial in terms of our health. When you eat berries, it helps in reducing the inflammation of the body. Oxidation causes the body to age quickly. So, when you consume berries on a regular basis, the body is protected from the damage caused by the oxidation process.

2. Dark chocolates:

The main ingredient of dark chocolates is cocoa beans, which are famous for their anti-oxidant properties. When you eat dark chocolate on a regular basis, it enhances the skin's ability to retain moisture. This keeps your skin moisturized. This means that the wrinkles on the skin do not appear quickly, and your skin looks younger than your actual age.
About from natural fruit ,there are a lot of bads lifestyle that can even make us to age faster than normal and example of such could be smoking which is not even good for the lung as it reduce the intake of oxygen into the body when the lung is
polluted by smoke. Breathing of contaminated he is not also the best.