Saving Money 10 ways to get cheap train tickets


Planning a trip by train but want to save money on fares? With some flexible timing and insider tricks, scoring budget tickets for rail travel is easy.

1. Book well in advance for the lowest prices - schedules open up 12 weeks ahead when the largest discount seats are available before they sell out. Last-minute trains cost huge premiums in comparison.

2. Consider off-peak travel on weekdays for big savings over coveted Friday - Sunday tickets. Retirees also benefit from senior discounts on midweek trains.

3. Invest in a 16-25 or 26-30 Railcard for yearlong 1/3 off all train ticket purchases if you fall within the discounted age ranges. Just 2-4 long journeys per year justify the small upfront fee.

4. Download train company apps and subscribe to email alerts so you never miss a sale, tight-deadline ‘flash sale’ or other promotion for routes you take often.

5. Split tickets - occasionally two singles cost less than a return. Searching split ticketing sites offer this tricky tip to exploit inconsistencies and grab unsold bargain seats.

6. Sitting separately saves substantially if you’re traveling with companions. Buying group tickets prevents filling a whole table. If willing to split up, huge discounts await.

7. Take advantage of offline vouchers and coupons at visitor centers, conferences, or available through certain credit card points programs. Never assume all deals appear online only.

8. Consider rail passes like BritRail, Eurail or regional options to bundle various legs onto one master pass costing less than buying individually

9. Mix transport modes -sometimes a bus from the station to your hotel or a metro across town plus a short train is cheaper than direct rail on popular intercity routes. Price both ways.

10. Be flexible on times you are willing to travel if your schedule allows. Adding extra potential days and trains to search reveals the lowest buckets available.

With the variety of legitimate ways for riding the rails affordably, paying full price for train tickets is purely optional, not mandatory. Happy bargain hunting!