“Easy to Start” Online Business Ideas


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Self-Publish a Book on Amazon

Have you ever thought of writing a book, but didn’t know where to get started? All the publishing nonsense, editing, and formatting, marketing, etc.?

With Amazon, you can self-publish a book fairly easily, and really make money from it. There are some simple and inexpensive guides to help you write your book AND have it generate consistent income.

Here’s the secret sauce: If you can launch your book and get a few hundred sales in the first week, Amazon will take over and start promoting it for you. This way you can make some real money from it. It’s actually easier than it sounds, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

Here are a few tips for writing a book:

Validate the book by giving a survey to friends, an email list, and/or survey sites like PickFu. By validating your idea before you write the book, you’ll improve the odds of people willing to buy your book (and you’re not wasting your time by writing it.)
Create an outline and stick to it if possible.
Set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour each day to write.
Format the book according to Amazon’s standards.

Once the book is written and formatted, you can head over to KDP.amazon.com. Log in with your Amazon account, then under “Create a New Title”, select “Kindle eBook.”
  • Start your own consumer goods line.
  • Launch a dropshipping store.
  • Sell your art online.
  • Become a contract author, designer, or developer.
  • Teach an internet course.
  • Flip your thrift store finds.
  • Publish your own book
  • begin a journal.
Before the internet came to fore it was book writing that occupied my mind. I have written many short stories that I think would fit into a book, that is the printed form. I already had talks with a publisher on the costing and I was willing to finance the publication. But my wife did not agree because selling a book is not easy. I did not argue with her.
One of the easiest business to start up right now is dropshipping business this business does not require any form of capital all you have to do is to create a shop online on your social Media platform and you can start the business. You can also engage yourself with social media marketing this business also does not require any capital you just have to create a page on Facebook then you can start your business.
Amazon Kindle publishing is probably one of the best business ventures anyone can go into at the internet currently especially if you are a very good writer.

It is one of the best businesses I am considering venturing into fully in the nearest future but I really need to put a lot of things into place. The good thing about publishing of books on Amazon is that you don't need to spend money to do that because it probably free and there is a royalty percentage in which will be giving to Amazon for every sale but even at that, you will still be making a lot of profit.

You will be the one to put the pricing on your book and of course that is a very good feature. I know someone who has a lot of books on Amazon Kindle and he is making consistent sales on daily basis.

If you want to make a lot of sales then you have to write a lot of books and publish them and you also need to know how the Amazon search algorithm works in order for you to make consistent sales.

It is supported all over the world in a sense that no matter your country of residence, you can make money from this business venture.
Dropshipping is quite easy to start. hardest part is probably to find like reliable payment provider especialy if you are under 18