
  1. Good-Guy

    Is Money The Only Reason Why People Apply For Loans?

    Mankind has been borrowing things for many decades and the history is full of incidences when the individual persons, business organizations, and even the governments have borrowed money due to various problems. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies borrowed money so that they could save...
  2. Hania iman

    Take loan and start a new buisness

    Dear i think it is a good idea. In every business we have to take risks. Taking a loan is very risky but if business run then we can pay loan and also earn profit and our future will also become stable. But for this we must have experience about business that we are going to do. Please tell me...

    Factors banks must consider before granting or issuing loan to customers.

    The vast majority think that it is incredibly hard to buy another home without first acquiring a credit from a conventional bank. In any case, one thing you should comprehend is that advance endorsement is certainly not a straightforward cycle. Most of individuals know nothing about the...
  4. Mellorando

    How do you convince a bank to give you a loan!

    Your business is expanding, so you need to buy more equipment and fund increasing accounts receivable balances. How do you convince a bank to give you a loan for your business needs? First, give the bank a business plan. Show them that your business is solid and you have a strong track record of...