
  1. Good-Guy

    What Are The Disadvantages Of Having A Governmental Job?

    There are many kinds of jobs. Working for the government is a kind of a job that many people prefer for many reasons. First of all, the government provides much better salary packages as compared to many private companies. The government also provides much better allowance rates as compared to...
  2. Good-Guy

    What Was The Hardest Job You Had In Your Life?

    Working or having a job is certainly one of the most important things we do in our life. When we work, we make money and I think that I do not need to explain why money is important because we all know why financial success is one of the primary goals of many people. However, this primary goal...
  3. D

    How To Get Your First Freelance Client

    Have you ever come across or heard of "Am Being too salesy" It's an actual term, it wasn't even highlighted as wrong word spelling, Well this is when you feel like you're selling too much, It can be due to you self promoting yourself, but it's a good thing self promotion doesn't have to be...
  4. Good-Guy

    How To Become A Good Newspaper Editor And Get A Job?

    A Newspaper editor is a person who holds a high position in the newspaper agency. There are many roles that are played buy a newspaper editor. One of the most important roles a newspaper plays is to manage the newspaper. They are responsible for choosing the right kind of content submitted by...
  5. Good-Guy

    Governmental Jobs vs Private Jobs: Which Are The Better Ones?

    There are many different kinds of jobs out there. However, the two types of jobs are the most famous ones and they are the governmental jobs and the private jobs. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are many people in my country who believe that governmental jobs are...
  6. Good-Guy

    What Is The Main Role Or Job Of A Director In A Company?

    There are many people who are associated with the business organization. Some of them are at upper level and some of them are at lower level. Each and every person has his own rank in a business organization. One of the highest position in a company is that of a director. Since a director holds...
  7. Good-Guy

    How Much Money Does A Deliveryman Earn Per Month?

    A deliveryman is a person who delivers food, items, parcels, etc to the right people. Being a deliveryman is one of the hardest jobs because they are the ones who roam here and there on motorcycles around the city. I live in a crowded city and here many people are working as deliverymen. There...
  8. Good-Guy

    What Is The Salary Of A Receptionist In Your City?

    Receptionists refer to people who sit on the front desk of an office and they are responsible for dealing with people who visit the office. The are responsible for taking appointments from people and providing information to public. They are many kinds of receptionists. I have seen receptionist...
  9. Good-Guy

    What Are Some Factors That Ruin Your Chances Of Getting The Job?

    Seeking job is one of those things that many people do because they need to make a living. Honestly speaking, companies also hire people because they need people. This is why they seek new people for the business. However, just because they need people, this does not mean that they will hire...
  10. Good-Guy

    How To Hire A Car Mechanic For Your Workshop?

    The invention of car has created the mechanical field for humanity. A person could be a mechanical engineer, technician, or a mechanic. Being a car mechanic is one of the profession that is in demand as of now. This is because nowadays more people have cars as compared to the previous times when...

    Industrial occupation meaning and example!

    As the name implies or suggest industrial occupation involves activities that has to do with the physical production of goods or changing of raw materials into finished or semi-finished products. Industrial occupation can also said to be any activities involving processing and extraction of raw...
  12. Good-Guy

    Why Many Qualified People Are Struggling To Get A Job?

    Getting a good job is something that is not easy. I live in a place where many qualified people are always struggling to get a job that they always desire. Due to the pandemic, there were many people who lost their dream job because many big organizations let go their workers. As far as I know...
  13. Good-Guy

    What Are Some Ways To Get Your Dream Job When Economy Is Bad?

    Nowadays it is really hard to find jobs. This is due to the fact that economy of many countries is in a really bad condition and the pandemic has also been stated as one of the reasons behind an increase in the rate of unemployment in various countries, especially the Tier 3 countries. Many...
  14. Lens1000

    Cryptocurrency created lots of jobs in 2021

    According to a recent LinkedIn survey, job advertisements for crypto-related positions jumped by over five times in 2021 compared to a year earlier. According to the analysis, titles featuring terms like "bitcoin," "ethereum," "blockchain," and "cryptocurrency" increased by 395 percent in the...
  15. Mellorando

    How to Hire the Right Person”

    Hiring the right people to fill out your new business can be hard and you want only the best. Hiring the right people is also crucial for the success of your business and that's why entrepreneurs should have a formal hiring process in place when looking for new staff. By putting time and work...
  16. Good-Guy

    What Are Some Of Your Worst Experiences When You Had A Job?

    Having a job is not a bed of roses. Whenever a person gets a job, many people tend to think that he is lucky and now he would no longer need to feel stressed. However, I would say that having a job is something that is really stressful, despite the fact that you actually get paid for your work...
  17. Good-Guy

    What Are Your Predictions For The Global Job Market For The Year 2022?

    The job market has been quite tough even in the year 2021 for many people, especially for those folks who live in Tier 3 countries. What's quite surprising is the fact that the job market in many Tier 1 countries have improved after the first few waves of the Covid-19 pandemic. I think this is...
  18. D

    how to make money on tiktok

    What if I told you that For a single sponsored video, TikTok makers can earn anything from $200 to $20,000. Yes, that's a huge range. But one thing is certain, no matter where you fall within that spectrum. On TikTok, there is money to be made. How to make money on tiktok here are 4 strategy...
  19. Good-Guy

    Have You Ever Had A Job That Had Odd Timings?

    Having a job might sound like a great thing because no one wants to remain unemployed and many people would like to attain a source of income. However, having a job is not something easy and when you get a job, you need to sacrifice a lots of things. I remember having a job and I was feeling as...
  20. Good-Guy

    Why Job Market In Tier 3 Countries Never Recovered After Pandemic?

    In one of my threads, I discussed how the situation of job market is in favor of people who are seeking jobs. In the USA, the job market crashed during the pandemic and many companies went bankrupt. There were no jobs and there were no vacancies, as companies struggled to maintain their...