business idea

  1. Augusta

    Business Ideas How to start a gift store business

    Gift Shop business is one business that is thriving now. People are always going for events and celebration almost all the time and they need gifs for the hosts of these celebrations It’s also possible to set up a local gift shop without any kind of ecommerce store One thing you need to get...
  2. Augusta

    How to start a coffee cart business

    Coffee Cart is one business you can do to make money offline. The business needs you leaving your home early enough with your coffee cart to the areas where customers are likely to be. Some people thst cant take their codfee at home due to lack of time wouldn't mind taking their coffee else...
  3. Augusta

    Business Ideas Things to consider when starting a lending business

    My cousin just started a lending business as it is lucrative in my area now. Through him I have learn a little about the business and I know that there are things one need to consider when starting the business So you need to consider the following factors when you want to start a d have a...

    What to take note when establishing a water bottling company.

    It is absolutely something commendable and congratulated to see that day-by-day majority of individuals including young entrepreneurs are coming up with good profitable , implementable , and establishable business ideas . To be very much in elaborate creating and formulating business ideas is...
  5. Mastergp

    Key ideas to bear in mind when starting a fruit business

    When starting a fruit business we should not forget that this line of business are usually confronted with low price and increasing production cost, to make such business work for us we should think of the increase in sales by seeking for other channels or ways to get product or producing more...
  6. Mastergp

    Key note before venturing into business

    Before one engage in any business area he must first first if all have idea about such business before venturing into one, and also understand business strategies to involve in such business. When engaging in any business of your choice one need to understand those he is selling to...
  7. yessupply

    Why Idea Is Important for business?

    Separated, a business idea is a justification behind setting up a firm. It drives everything about the organization, from what items and administrations are proposed to how these items are advertised. This idea needn't bother to be one of a kind, however, it should possibly catch a piece of its...
  8. Augusta

    How to start a cleaning business

    You can make money now off your skill or talent as a cleaner at home. You don't just have to keep your home clean you can do for others and start making money off it. You can't believe the number of people that are needing people that can come clean their homes daily while they are away at work...
  9. Augusta

    How to start a shoe line

    You might want to start your own brand of shoes and you have everything in your head on how the shoes you want to produce. You are already on the way to having your show line. You would need to follow the below steps to actualize your dreams 1.Have a research: Start with researching on the kind...
  10. Augusta

    How to own a Sachet water producing business

    Sachet water business is really booming and it is lucrative as people would always want to drink water. Again, a lot of people can't afford the bottled water so they go for the easily affordable one which is the sachet water.So how can you own a sachet water producing company. 1.Register the...
  11. Augusta

    How to start a paint manufacturing business

    Paint is used to beautify the house and it is one substance that is always needed by anyone living in the home. You would always want to coat the walls of your home and other surfaces with paint. So this makes this business very lucrative. You can have your paint producing company or business...
  12. kayode10

    3 Unique Business Ideas With Low Start Up

    It is good to start your own business on part-time while you are still within your full-time jobs. this gives you the opportunity to create multiple streams of income for yourself. You can later quit your day job and focus on the business once you start bringing you substantial income. The...
  13. Shaf

    Flipping used cars as a business idea?

    When it comes to ways one can earn money, especially as a part-time side hustle, you can't ignore the possibility of one idea. Recently, I've seen many people trying to make this a business and I've been wondering how lucrative it is. More than that, one major concern I have is the challenges...
  14. Shaf

    Business Ideas Would you start business in a competitive niche?

    One factor you should consider before starting any business is the degree of competition. This is important so you can gauge how profitable the business model is, and if there are too many people doing the same thing leading to saturation, which can result in poor sales. If there is no one...

    Running a restaurant in Nigeria.

    Restaurant , eatery , cafeteria , dinner House , and inn etc , all have one feature in common which is that , they serve already cooked food to customers . I do not know for other countries but in Nigeria running a restaurant is one of the most profitable job in existence . Though the...
  16. D

    Business Ideas how To Identify More business Opportunities

    Am always wondering, these guys who are building apps, and technology, how do they identify business opportunities, are there from the future or what? I Mean it's possible, If there were from the future we wouldn't know because they would have altered the future by being in the past and creating...
  17. D

    Business Ideas How To Start An Online Tutoring Business

    I don't think i know much about tutoring but am sure I know enough, because I tried to do it before, Until I found out I wasn't that good with a camera, at least before I wasn't now am perfectly good with it, It takes a lot of mental strength for those interested Step 1 - You Need A Business...
  18. Good-Guy

    Business Ideas What Are Some Great Ideas To Reduce Production Cost?

    Production cost is the total price of manufacturing any kind of goods. Whenever you manufacture an item, you tend to look at various factors. Whatever products you look in the market were manufactured. They did not come into existence automatically. For example, if you buy a chocolate bar from...
  19. Good-Guy

    Business Ideas Is It A Good Idea To Sell Your Successful Business?

    Starting and running a business is something many people do. It takes a lot of time and hard work to set up and run a business in your life. This is why many business try hard and try different things in order to improve their business. However, I have also heard about many people selling their...

    How to determine if you have a profitable business idea.

    Numerous business thoughts start with a flash of motivation and are trailed by months or even long periods of exploration and arranging. Before you go all in and send off your new business, you should settle on various choices. Quite possibly the most often posed inquiry is, "Will my business...