Writing reviews is the best way to make money.


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Did you know that you can make money by writing reviews? Are you curious about how it all works? Do you want to know if it's true? So, let's get started learning how to make money writing reviews!

Before we begin, here are a few terms you should be familiar with:

Google AdSense: AdSense is a Google advertising system that places advertisements on your website. When a visitor to your site clicks on one of these ads, you are paid a very small percentage - and I mean small, as in single digit cents. AdSense is used for the majority of banner advertising.

Pay Per View (PPV): Some article sites will pay you based on how many people read your review.

The number of people who visit your page, site, or blog.

How do we get paid to write reviews?

Three US sites that will pay you to write reviews for them are;.

Helium.com and Associated Content.com will pay US citizens for high-quality articles as well.
Now, be warned that the pay isn't great, usually around $2-$3 per article, though some sites do have a performance-based bonus scheme based on the number of views your article receives.

Blogging is an excellent way to begin earning money by writing reviews. Setting up your own blog allows you to make money writing reviews in three ways:

Make AdSense available on your blog. Each time someone clicks on
one of the blog.

Sponsored reviews - If your blog is old enough and popular enough, there are programs that will'sponsor' you to write about their product.

Affiliate Marketing - Being an affiliate of the product you are reviewing allows you to earn far more than being sponsored or receiving a one-time payment.