Will 2022 Crypto Government Pressure Continue?

Golden P

New member
It is now impossible to ban or ignore cryptocurrencies. Many states are aware of this. The year 2022 may also be an important milestone in this respect. Because the positive picture at the end of 2021 showed us this. Governments now bring legal regulations instead of ignoring cryptocurrencies.

It is quite normal that many governments still have not adopted this situation. It will not be difficult to trade on the stock markets in 2022. However, some governments may complicate this situation. In its simplest form, restrictions on exchanges may increase. In addition, there may be country-specific laws related to cryptocurrencies on many different issues.


New member
You may be right, however you must also understand the game of the Rich to keep the poor poorer and this game is played on all levels of power. This is why cryptocurrencies is decentralized. But those money gamers in government are trying to play their way in.
That's why you hear a lot of those threats.