Why you Experience Continuous Migraine


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Migraine is a severe and recurring headache that affects three times more women than men. The condition is associated with symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and sensitivity to light, sound and odors.
Possible causes of migraine include:

Genetics and Environmental Conditions
Research shows migraine is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The condition appears to be hereditary in some people, affecting those who have close relatives with the same symptoms.

Certain triggers can cause or worsen migraines, but they are different for each person. If you suffer from recurrent migraine attacks, it pays to keep a diary of your headaches to determine the underlying triggers. Eliminating these triggers can help prevent future episodes of migraine.

Migraine Triggers
The range of migraine triggers is wide-ranging, although no single factor has been identified as their common cause. While some people experience migraine after eating certain types of food, others find certain smells or sounds bring on the condition. Identifying your exact trigger can be difficult, but keeping a careful record of your headaches may help you narrow down the cause.

Some common migraine triggers include
-Hormonal changes in women: Research shows that many women experience migraine around the time of their periods or during pregnancy. Some also find that hormonal medications triggers migraine.