Crypto Why Staking Rewards Of Polkadot Are Much Higher Than Cardano's?


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Staking cryptocurrencies are one of the most popular ways to make cryptocurrencies and many rich people are actually staking crypto coins in order to make more and more money. The rewards of staking money is only big if you invest a good amount of money buying crypto and then stake cryptos. Unfortuantely, the staking rewards are not equal of many different coins. As far as I know cardano is far much more pouplar than Polkadot. However, we can still observe that the rewards of staking Polkadot seem to be much higher than that of Cardano. Have you ever staked both of these coins and made money? What makes Polkadot staking more profitable? Can someone please explain? I observed higher Polkadot rewards on staking platforms such as Bitfinex.