Why some people today consume what they can afford and not what they desire.


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Every human beings on Earth today have the desire to choose and want whatever he or she desires and want . But due to some certain factors human desires are limited making it hard for them to consume and make good use of things which they need and want . Some factors like income rate has play a major role in determining the rate of consumption an individual can partake in . A lot of people today are blessed with prestigious jobs with high attractive rate of salary that pays them a whole lot of money and so they have a lot of money to save , to consume , and invest , and so this set of people as a result of their high income can choose to spend money on whatever they want and desire . On the other hand there are some people earning minimum and normal wages and salaries which in most cases are not even enough to fend for their daily needs talk-less of their investments and savings benefits .

The prices of most goods and services have also influenced some people's ability to purchase what he or she wants and desire. Some goods and services have higher prices way more inappropriate and breathtaking in the price rate , and so only people who makes up the prestigious and wealthy class are able to purchase this high-priced good and services , leaving the non prestigious and poor classed majority of persons to wonder what it will be or feels like consuming such a goods or services .
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