Why Money Making Quest isn't Bringing You Happiness


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The money making quest is not bringing you happiness. If you're like most people, the quest for happiness has been a part of your life for a long time. It's probably something you've even tried to achieve through the accumulation of wealth and possessions. You may have thought that if you had enough money, then you could buy happiness. And that's true to an extent. Money can buy a lot of things: a house, food, travel, new clothes and shoes… but it can't buy you happiness.

The reason why is because while money might be able to purchase some things and experiences, it cannot actually make you happy. Happiness comes from within yourself, not what's outside of yourself it's an internal state that can't be bought with anything external like money or possessions.

So if money isn't going to bring you happiness, what will? Well first off, let's just talk about how much money is actually required in order to be truly happy: zero dollars! That's right; there's no amount of money that will make someone feel completely fulfilled with themselves at every moment in time. Do you have contrary opinion to this, you can share with us.


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Directions to why money can't bring you happiness when you have money it gives you the happiness that always stand the test of time that always stays for a couple of time after that moment or that second or when you are finished spending the money the happiness will just vanish the only thing that can really make you happy is if you work with people chat with people and make them happy interact with your friends that's the only thing that can make life happy but money can't do all things so I don't think money can ever make you happy it can only make you happy for a little time but it can't bring the real happiness in you out.

If you make money you have to spend your money on good things like putting money in the account of people who doesn't have feeding the motherless babies giving money to charity homes because those are the things that can really make you happy if you think of spending all the money by yourself and the money eventually the finishers you will become sad just the way you were before you got the money so Make Someone Happy so you will be happy


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I know money can't buy happiness but it sure makes the heart merry, why is this so it is because you can't be happy on an empty stomach, no matter how we want to paint it we need money for survival. I have never heard that anyone even survive on happiness. Yes we can argue that some people might find it difficult to be happy because of situations in their lives. But have you thought about one with depressing problems without money too this will be suicide mission.

if you have money it will be a lot easy to be happy. Let look at a scenerio where a man needed a child for years and after 20 years the wife concieved and give birth to maybe triplets. Now if this man has money that would only care for a child the happiness this brings will not last as they might be thrown into struggles making the happiness short lived.

What I'm saying in essence is that money can equally bring more happiness. So every one needs to always look for money at least every day. if you can't pick up your bills or pay your rent you can't be Happy. Money brings more happiness.


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One of the major reasons this making money Quest has not brought me happiness is due to some external factors beyond my control. When I made the decision to start diverting attention online, I was very optimistic that even though I am not a skilled worker but with determination and putting effort it will be possible for me to earn a substantial income online but this is not the reality because they are some external situations beyond my control like; lack of electricity supply which impedes my chances of making money online. Virtually each day, I have to source for where to power of my devices which still needs money.

Again, lack of motivation has been an impending factor these few months because of the amount of energy I have to put to work and considering the minimum payout. Also, I really hope that online platforms would be able to throw in some promos or bonuses in order to spark the group and also boost the morale of their workers, this is because, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Making money online so far has been rewarding and with time it gives me hope that there is a brighter future for me online.


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The quest for money is one of the most common quests in our society. We all want to be rich and happy, but what if your quest for happiness is really just a quest for money? Since the beginning of time, people have been looking for ways to make themselves happy. From ancient times to modern-day pop culture, we all desire a life that is both abundant and joyful. But how do we achieve this goal? For many people, it seems like a never-ending cycle: work hard, earn more money, buy more things… repeat. But what happens when you get what you want? Most people would say that they are still not satisfied.

The truth is that after years of working hard and earning more money than ever before, it's easy to feel like something is missing. It's as if there's something inside us that won't allow us to be truly content with what we have even if we've achieved everything society tells us will bring happiness (a nice house, a fancy car). If this sounds familiar to you, maybe it's time we reevaluate our goals in life and see if there might be something better out there than simply earning more money so we can buy more stuff.