Who is a manager and functions of a manager?


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Undoubtedly a business cannot survive without management, management basically is the art of developing, guiding, allocation, of resources to meet organisational goals and objective. And people in an organisation responsible to carry out this activity is known as a managera manager has the full right and authority to review results given back to him by his employees he also had the right to guild personnel's on how to handle various tasks assigned to them, knowing how to allocate various resources to implement plan is another function of a manager the manager finally has the right to analyse potential organisational problems and how to solve them. The manager is basically the head of activities going on in the business environment without a manager the business may not survive.
let's talk about some of the functions of a manager in the business environment or organisation:
1. Planning: it is the managers duty to know which steps to apply to achieve organisational goals a manager must know the ups and downs on step he or she she decides to accomplish goals of the business he must take his time to think based on planning function.

2. Leading: a manager sometimes could serve as a woman I told employees he must do more other than planning he must be able to motivate to communicate, to guide, and to encourage, his employees on achieving various organisational goals and objective.

3. Staffing: as a manager you must be able to know how to develop train and recruit good employees and not only that you must know how to select the best out of the best employees to handle various tasks he must know the capability of his staffs and know which area there are best capable for handling.


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The manager is the person who leads and manages the team. He or she is responsible for the efficient and effective operation of individual departments in the business, which include sales revenue, production, delivery and customer service. The manager's regular duties include administrative, financial and managerial tasks to ensure profit margins are satisfactory and that the business is expanding.

A manager is an individual who directly controls and resolves problems, leading employees to their goals; establishing short term objectives and long term vision, plans and strategies; setting standards in order to make work easier for employees; boosting motivation of employees; hiring new employees; delegating duties; appraising performance of the employees.

A manager has the responsibility and authority to lead, manage, or direct subordinate employees and make important decisions about the operation, use, and control of a department's activities. A manager should be prepared for emergencies or a change in routine.

A good manager is needed in any kind of organization or activity in order to get a better result. When there is a bad manager there is a high tendency there will be poor output or result. So if you own a business or an investment you need a to be a good manager or employ a good manager to see the activities through.


Valued Contributor
A manager is someone who know the needs of the organization and who understands how the needs, goals, and objectives of the business venture can be achieved. A manage is more or less an entrepreneur, I will describe an entrepreneur as someone who gets the best of land, capital and a labour, and sometimes the manager also get some other intelligent entrepreneurs to work with him in order to achieve organizational goals and objections. As a manager it is your duty to make sure that the scare resources in the organization is effectively and efficiently utilized to achieve the best results.

The manager takes time to also understand the behaviour of his staffs working under him or her so as to identify any kimd of changes in their behaviour that may affect their level of productivity to work. The manage should be someone that listens to the complaint and suggestions of his or her staffs. And a manage is someone how gives directives as at when due.

The manage should also be someone who listens to the complaint of their clients and also makes a very quick amends. The manager should be someone who is focused and goal oriented. Manager is someone who carries everyone along.