What to consider when evaluating business ideas


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First of all when you are evaluating a business ideas you must consider the following;
The profits to be earned- The profits you intend to making in the business must be good enough to cover the business operational costs. Failure to which the business can't be worth quantifying.
Availablity of market or demand- There must be an adequate market and demand for the good and services on the intended business Idea being evaluated.
Government policy/Regulations- The trader must be aware of any legal requirements required by the government in the operation of the business. This should be favourable licencing, tax compliance, and other requirements.
Channel of distribution to ensure that the products is available in the market and how about transportation of goods and services. The channels must be cost effective, friendlier to use and easy to access.
The payback period should be very reasonable in relation to the amount invested in the entire business idea.