Shares/Stock What is the stock market


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I know most of you experts will know what stock market is but am doing this for the newbies who will stumble across this on Google asking what the Stock market is because i know as of last year sept I was on Google searching what Is a stock.

Okay I'll start with this - When people talk about the stock market, they're talking to a variety of items, as well as a number of different exchanges where equities are purchased and traded. The stock market, in broad terms, is the collection of publicly traded stocks that anybody can buy on an exchange.

And also just so you know stocks are called equities, it's a term most investors prefer to use I think its because its cooler.

So Equities are securities that give shareholders a stake in a publicly traded company. It's a real stake in the company, and if you own all of the company's shares, you have complete control over how it runs. Even if you don't own all of the shares, if you hold a large number of them, you may still influence how the company functions, as seen in the boardroom clashes depicted in movies, but well if you're purchasing through an app.. you'll never own enough to attend a board member meeting so just know that 😉
It is a full specialty at university about the stock market and stock trading means it is worth many studies, not two or three youtube videos to understand what it is but at least 6 months of entertainment to know all strategies and possibilities you could do.
My understanding of stocks is the paper that certifies ownership of the holder because he had paid the contribution. For example I buy stocks of a bank worth $1,000. The money goes to the bank and to be used as additional capital. When the bank earns a good profit then it gives dividends to the owners and that would include the shareholders. The stock market is the place to sell the stocks to the traders or buyers. My broker is a company that is an affiliate of the bank that own my stocks. When there is an issue with the bank the tendency is for the stock price to go down. Take note that when you buy stocks you are giving more capital to the bank and when you sell the stocks you are diminishing the capital of the bank. That is my understanding of the stocks and I hope no one will argue.