What is CMYK and RGB Printing in Branding?


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CMYK and RGB are the two most common color modes used for printing. CMYK is a subtractive color model, meaning that it works by absorbing light (much like how ink absorbs light). RGB is an additive color model, meaning that it works by reflecting light (like how paint reflects light).

The difference between these two models of color is that CMYK uses four inks, cyan, magenta, yellow and black to create a full range of colors. RGB uses three inks: red, green and blue. CMYK printing is the most common type of print technology used to create branded materials such as business cards, brochures, posters and banners. It’s also used for packaging design such as CD cases or DVD covers.

RGB printing on the other hand is most commonly used for web design since it can produce brighter images than CMYK printing can. CMYK process produces better quality prints than RGB process because CMYK's four inks allow more control over highlights and shadows; however, CMYK requires more time and effort to produce high-quality results due to its lack of flexibility compared to RGB's three inks.