What are the ideal lifestyles for a senior?


VIP Contributor
1. Doing athletic activities and being physically active in life is always the advice of the gerontologist. When you are physicall active your will have a higher emotional quotient and an active mind.
2. Healthy diet means the food that you enjoy to eat. That means you have to learn to like the recommended food like the fish and vegetables with less meat.
3. Avoiding vices like smoking, drinking and engaging in night activities that will rob you of sleep.
4. As per the adage ”early to bed and early to rise” is always a big help with our health. The rising sun has a good effect on our mind that if we wake up early we are more alert and aware of things around us.
5. Be happy, don’t worry. Less stress for a long life is proven already.


Active member
I think you have pretty much explained the key areas that a senior should follow if they are to be healthy.

Vegetable proteins and other nutrients increase the longevity of a person and easily heal the skin and gums.Avoid any substances that can be toxic can help with the body metabolism and reduce on toxicity levels in the body.Being stress free and having adequatte rest is vital for preventing any body imbalances.


VIP Contributor
Ideal life of a senior should be dominated by the consumption of balanced diet and regular simple exercise. You must also engage in activities of giving back to the community by sharing knowledge with people as this will make them become more active during the retirement. they should also engage in continuous learning as this will keep them young in the heart.


Valued Contributor
Those are very good advices for a healthy lifestyle. I think it applies to both young and old people. Everyone needs to invest in a healthy life even when they are still young. Then when old age comes, they are already used to healthy living practices. Especially that of worrying less and living right more often.