Ways to Diagnose Uterus Didelphys and Possible Treatment


VIP Contributor

To differentiate a uterus didelphys from a chimera, you must determine if the patient has had a previous surgery to separate the two. If they have had a previous surgery and you notice two distinct uteri, it could be that they are simply two separate organs with no connection to each other. If the patient has never had a surgery and there is no connection between the uteri, then they may be a chimera.

If you determine that the patient does indeed have uterus didelphys, there are several options for treatment. It is important to discuss all options with your doctor in order to find the best one for your situation.

The most common treatment for Uterus Didelphys is hysterectomy which removes both organs and prevents future pregnancies from occurring in either one. This procedure can be done laparoscopically or vaginally depending on how much tissue needs removed during operation time varies from 1-4 hours depending on access route used as well as whether any other procedures like removing fallopian tubes need performed too (this would increase operating times). There are also some cases where patients want preservation of their reproductive organs so that they may still conceive children one day; however this isn't always possible due to complications such as scarring and more.