Way to put aside money for your retirement


VIP Contributor
Put aside 10% of your income each month. If you're saving money for your retirement, the most important thing is to set aside a specific amount of money every month. Once you have that amount in place, it's a lot easier to stick to the plan and avoid unnecessary spending.

The best way to do this is by setting up an automatic transfer from your bank account into an investment account, like a 401(k) or IRA. The more frequent you contribute, the better! The worst thing that can happen is that you forget about it and never get around to doing it. that's what happened to me! But if you're serious about saving for retirement, then don't let yourself fall into bad habits like that! You'll be glad you did when it's time for those last few years before retirement.


Verified member
It is not easy to put aside some money when the salary is not sufficient for the family to maintain.
But the only way to do that is that when the company that you are working for try to create some pension schemes, so that at the end of the month they send some percentage to the pension scheme, so that when you retired the money will be there for you to withdraw every month.
Another way is that there is mortgage bank that is helping their staff to opened the account with them, every month they are collecting from each staff, and the company is sending the money to them, so that at the end of the day, when retired they will be able to loan them money for another business.