Earn Money Want to Get More Leads? Cut Down Your Choices


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To get more leads, you may have researched and found many different methods of doing so. This due diligence can end up causing good advice to become a train wreck. If you're guilty of this, take heart; you can fix it simply by just cutting down the choices you're offering.
Let's explore this idea.

Blog Posts
When you write a blog post, it's tempting to include every link to everything you have inside the post. While you do want to include some in-content links to freebies to build your list when it comes to the point of the post and the offer you make your audience, you should narrow it down to only one call to action - one that fits in best with the point of the post.
If that post is supposed to be viral, ask them to share. If it's supposed to promote something you bought, the link must be to the product landing page, so you know what to do to get it. You get the idea. If you have another purpose you'd like to fulfill, write another post.

Email Campaigns
When you send out an email message, you want to keep them short. It's tempting to throw in every offer you have in your signature but the truth is, you'll get a more positive response if you have only one CTA per email. Having said that, sometimes it's okay to put one more if it's closely related and time-sensitive. Otherwise, a whole other short email is best.

Sales Pages
Creating a sales page should mean that you give your audience just one choice, but sometimes there are so many different features that you may need to offer more than one choice or level. This is true with software. But you still want to keep the offers as low as possible. One way to overcome overwhelm is to highlight the one that is most chosen, or offer a survey to help them narrow down their choice.

Guest Post Bio
When you get the opportunity to guest post on that million-hitter blog, it's hard not to want to put all three links they gave you into the signature line. But the truth is, you should just put one link and it should be to a special landing page just for them. You'll get more responses, and the bonus is that more landing pages make your website more attractive to search engines.

Your Home Page
When you create your home page, it's hard not to include links to everything you have so they don't miss out. But the best way to do it is having a menu hierarchy with only a few major links or even a "getting started" or "start here" link to help newbies find their way.

It seems like if you want to get more leads, the answer is to give fewer choices. While you're giving them fewer choices per engagement, you can still make more offers since you're doing them one at a time. Don't slow down your offers, just make them one at a time and include them in your funnel.
An effective marketing funnel puts your business on autopilot and consistently turns prospects into paying customers if you structure it the right way.

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Benefits Gaining leads to increase sales of your business, product or service. Directing potential customers toward the conversion path of the marketing process to help you get more conversions. Find and interact with people who are interested in your business, product or service. How it works First you have to create a lead generation form in Google Ads and add it to a campaign. You can include lead form extensions in Search Network campaigns, Video campaigns, In-browsing campaigns, and Display campaigns. People in your audience visit a Google service (such as YouTube) and interact with the ad with the lead form extension. When these people open the Leads form, they can choose to submit contact information about them, such as an email address, phone number, and any other details. Next, you have to download and manage your leads from Google Ads. You can download your leads in a CSV file or create an automated web response integration to receive leads directly into your CRM system. You can only download leads submitted in the last 30 days. Requirements To use lead form extensions, make sure you have: A good track record of policy compliance. A Google Ads account in an eligible parent position or sub-position. Sensitive ad placements or sub-placements (such as sexual content) are not eligible to use lead forms. A privacy policy for your business. When you create a lead form extension in Google Ads, you must provide a link to your privacy policy. The Privacy Policy appears at the end of the Leads form. In addition, if you include adding a lead form to a video, 'in-browser' or 'Display campaign' campaign, or if you create a search campaign where the ad headline opens directly on the lead form, you'll need: Total spend that exceeds $50,000 in Google Ads. For advertisers whose accounts are managed in currencies other than the US dollar, the spend amount will be converted to US dollars using the average monthly conversion rate for that currency. Learn more about the requirements for lead form extensions.