Types of Loans in Nigeria


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As business.owners it potential entrepreneurs, we should know what a loan is but I have noticed that it's not everyone that knows the types of loans in Nigeria. If you about to make a decision of getting a loan in Nigeria then this is for you. With the knowledge of types of loans, I believe you will make the right choice. They include;

1. Unsecured Loan ;
This is a type of loan in which collateral isn't a periquisite for obtaining the loan. It's worthy to note that interest rates are high for these kinds of loans.

2. Secured Loan;
This is a type of loan in which a collateral is needed for obtaining these kinds of loans.

3. Salary Advance Loans
This is peculiar for only those with salary accounts. It is a type of loan in which the banks lends you and amount equivalent or lower to what you earn as salary every month. You pay back with interest.

Feel free to discuss about the type of loan you'd love to use in order to grow your business.