Three Skills You Need in Any Career Field


VIP Contributor
Boosting Mental Health: You need to be mentally and emotionally fit in order to work efficiently and proficiently. If you are depressed, stressed or anxious, you cannot work, even if you someone managed to work you cannot deliver best of you. When you don’t deliver the best, you might lose your job and income stream. You will need skills to boost your mental health, for instance, meditation, breathing exercise, yoga, etc.

Meta Learning: You need different skills to earn, if you do not know how to learn skills, how can you actually learn skills earn well? You even need to know how to make use of the skills you have learned. Meta learning is a science of understanding how your brain consumes information and retrieve that information when needed. Meta learning will optimize your entire learning process.

Basic legal skills: You need basic legal skills in your day-to-day life. You need to know what rights you have as a normal citizen, and what legal procedures you need to follow as a professional.
I think #3 is very important, sadly not many people care about this. In my home country, there is a law against "defamatory remarks." You cannot make thoughtless remarks against the public office bearer without strong proof. Your thought-less remarks on Facebook could send you to jail. If you want to use social media, you should know about any laws associated with social media in the country. Even to run ads on social media, you need to get prior approval from the concerned authorities. This is to stop any scam offers to go on social media platforms. If you want to create youtube channel in my home county, make sure is it not a news channel because a news channel should be registered with the concerned authorities. Laws like these are usually not strongly implemented but since there are laws, you might get nabbed any time. Therefore, you need to follow the laws. Before you follow laws, you need to know your basic rights as a citizen and the basic laws that you need to follow.