Things you need before 30 to ensure a good financial future.


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Financial success is not what is achieved by luck .it takes deliberate efforts and the need to be intentional to achieve financial freedom. There are certain things that if you can't get right at 30 or before 30, you are on a path to financial success and freedom.

The first one is self-development. If at 30, you have not built yourself up to a reasonable standard, you are on your way to a gloomy financial future. If you desire to go to college, then by 30, you should have achieved that. If you desire to learn a trade, you should have been freed from that trade by now.

Another thing you can put in place before you turn 30 is to have an emergency fund. If you don't have an emergency fund before 30 years old, you are on your way to having a future ridden with dents. It is important that you would have created a special fund to meet up with emergencies before you turn 30.

There are others though but if you can just keep these two, you are on your way to a financially bright future.


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If you want to have a good financial future, it's important to start early. Here are some things that you should be doing by the time you're 30:

1.Create a budget and stick to it. You should know where your money is going and what you can afford. If you don't, there's no point in making any goals or setting any savings goals!

2.Save for retirement. A lot of people don't think about this until later in life, but it's important! You'll need money saved up for when you retire so that you can live comfortably and do the things you love without the stress of making too much money each month just to pay bills or save up for something big like a house or car (or whatever).

3.Buy a house! It's not always possible, but if you can, owning property makes investing more affordable because you don't have to worry about renting an apartment or paying for expensive monthly rent every month!


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I think the most important thing is to gain financial independence and have your life in order, before you even reach thirty I think one should be constantly guaging his or her performances in respect to what they want to become, see if there is a way to be better or how long it will take you from your current situation to what you envisage for yourself.

Personal development should be at the fore front, style, personal hygiene, confidence and as a man you should be able to take care of yourself without burdening anybody.

Some people due to circumstances they cannot control are already in their thirties and they are now here near to their goal, I think should not beat themselves up but pick themselves up and assess their lives, look at what they are not doing right and fix that, but as the saying goes, make the hay while the sun is shining


Active member
In my country, at 30, one is expected to be financially ok. One doesn't have to be extremely rich, but at least, one ought to be doing something earning him or her a decent amount of income at age 30.
Some of the things i believe one needs to do before 30 to ensure a good financial future include:
  • Have a good amount of money saved up. I think that is what you referred to as an "emergency fund" above. Having money saved up some where could be a life saver. Some unfortunate events like losing one's job or one' s business failing could happen at any time and with the money one has saved up, one could handle some of these challenges.
  • Another one is owning a land or a house before 30, if possible. I believe that before 30 years, a person should own a house or any landed property to ensure a good financial future.


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The most important thing you need to do before turning 30 is to get a good education and build high-paying skills. If you do not complete your education before turning 30, you might be earning well after 30. You can get a job, become self-employed, or even start a business only when you have education and training. Education and training will help you build knowledge and skills. Deciding on what subject to choose for education and training should be taken wisely because not all subjects are created equal, some subjects earn you more than others. Before turning 30, you should also already start a career, and you should be besotted with a job or work that will bring financial stability to your life. You should also start investing before you are 30 because when you start early on, by the time you are in the middle age, you will become rich.


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The most important thing to do for your financial freedom at whatever stage you find yourself is to make a conscious decision to be better. You can start building wealth while young or old, but it's more difficult as you get older.

Some people also don't get employment early till they exceed thirty years. If you are in your twenties, you can start early. If not, you'll have to look for ways to make money smartly.

One thing that can help you if you do it before 30 is having your own house. Rent is one of the greatest expenses most people have and if you can get that out of the way, you can use that money for other investments.

It is also good to have an idea of what Yiu want to do for money, be it a job or a business. This should be tied to your lifetime financial goals so you know how to plan and execute things properly.


Valued Contributor
When you have passed years studying then possible in 30 years old is the beginning of working career unlike people that stops studies at early age and start working, so do not make too many attendances because other people case is not your case as simple as that.

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