The Vast Opportunities in Snail Farming.


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Snails are those small creatures that are regarded to be very slow. Beyond this sluggish reputation, they are money-spinning creatures. In Africa, they are high in demand because they are one of the safest and healthiest meats to consume. The demand for snails far outweighs the supply. It is considered a goldmine.

The good thing about snail farming as compared to other livestock ventures is that it requires next to nothing to feed them to maturity. A snail farmer does not need to buy anything to feed snails. Most livestock farmers are leaving the livestock business because of the high costs of feed.

They can feed on rotten fruits and leaves of plants. They love pawpaw leaves a lot. If you get your stock right, you should be able to sell off within 7-8 months. The market is huge and you can decide your price. This is a low-cost side business one can start.