The role of Gratitude at the workplace


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The truth is that it is important to show appreciation at work for the aids received from others People love to be appreciated not only outside the work environment but even in the workplace. Showing appreciation doesn't need one giving money or gift but showing a genuine sentiment and a grateful heart

The truth is that this gesture comes with its own immerse benefits which includes

Getting professional help from others

The thing is that we can't know it all So when we appreciate those that helps us learn the job even on the first day at work we are setting our self up for more help. You would continue to get more professional help as you are always grateful and make them feel appreciated.

Gaining knowledge and skills swiftly

People or other oworkers would always be willing to share their knowledge with you , especially if you need the knowledge to do your job better. So you would need to acknowledge them by showing gratitude when you gain knowledge and you would be given more

Shows your personality
You would be setting yourself up to have a likable personality because you have been showing appreciation when helped. You can get even more mentorship from your employer.
Yes I agree with you, appreciation is good and mandatory in any place, most times you don't have to give out Money to show appreciation although money is the most populous of all.

In a company or any working organization, gratitude can been shown by commending and also displaying an equality spirit.
Most employees may not be interested in the money, all they want is the good credits and recommendations to others, gratitude is not only shown at work place, it can be shown in any location provided is occupied by people, words like thank you, I appreciate, am greatful are some good ways to render gratitude.